Serenity. Or, how movies that start with the word "star" su (in Off-topic)

Undertow October 4 2005 1:28 AM EDT

So you remember that awesome feeling you were SUPPOSED to get from Star Wars 3?

Serenity stole it and made it it's own. Go see it. River pwns Jedi.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 4 2005 1:37 AM EDT

I've only seen the first three episodes of firefly, should I attempt to see the rest before the movie? (would it make the movie better to have seen the rest?)

Undertow October 4 2005 1:38 AM EDT

I never saw any of firefly, I couldn't tell you. I don't think you need too.

Adrian Exodus October 4 2005 1:43 AM EDT

i just yesterday finished my firefly dvd marathon, :( <tear> stupid fox!... ok back on track i have not seen the movie yet(sometime this week if i get the time :D)

but from what I've heard serenity was mad to finish out the series(even though there has been the rumors of a trilogy?)

but so long as you feel you know the basics of firefly you should be more then fine to see serenity.....but ofcourse first chance you get see the firefly dvd }:)

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] October 4 2005 1:46 AM EDT

Dang it, I HATE my local theatre! They have 8 screens, yet last I checked they weren't showing this! Isn't this movie pretty big? I thought it was showing nationwide. I swear.

Undertow October 4 2005 2:06 AM EDT

No, listen, from someone who hasn't seen Firefly.

You don't NEED to see Firefly. At all. The movie was awesome. I never saw firefly.

This movie was awesome like Frosting on cake.

gooey muppet October 4 2005 2:08 AM EDT

And this is coming from a man who knows his frosting.

Grim Reaper October 4 2005 7:18 AM EDT

Well it helps to see firefly episodes because there is mainly one part that in the movie sort of becomes unclear without seeing the show.
I do agree though that the movie rocked and could be compared to starwars kind of.

The amount of effort into the movie that was put in really is a great blow to fox for cancelling the show.

I hope scifi has room to take the show if those actors could agree to doing it.
Scifi took in stargate sg1 which played on fox on saturdays till like the end of season 5, and I thought they cancelled it. Then season 6 began on scifi which was sort of shock to me since no announcement was made, I had to find out by watching the channel. Fox still does reruns of stargate and now the atlantis series too. So I am thinking maybe fox still has copyrights to firefly and might end up airing reruns while another network does the new series.

I got to see the movie for free :) Private screening. I get to see another 3 big movies that are out in theaters now, mainly those mob movies.

[T]Vestax October 4 2005 11:43 AM EDT

Stargate was originally run on Showtime, not Fox.

Trillian October 4 2005 4:30 PM EDT

I've been counting down to this release for over a year now...I'm so excited!!!

Undertow October 4 2005 4:41 PM EDT

As you should be.

I'm serious, it gave me that weird fuzzy feeling other "epic" sci fi movies did (or should have). It's going in my top 5. Probably at 2. Not as good as Fight Club, which is the greatest movie of all time, but better than the Matrix, I think.

Grim Reaper October 4 2005 4:53 PM EDT

vestax, stargate the movie was the one that was shown on showtime.

sg-1 the series was done on fox.

Trillian October 4 2005 5:09 PM EDT

So now that you love it so much, go out and buy the DVD boxset of the series and give the franchise another boost ;)

Undertow October 4 2005 5:22 PM EDT

I'm considering it. But I need to soe deeper pockets on my pants first. Season DVD's are expensive.

Trillian October 4 2005 6:24 PM EDT

It's not as expensive as most because it's only 14 episodes. And it's worth it, trust me :)

Adrian Exodus October 4 2005 7:36 PM EDT

without a brain...

show time aired stargate from the start upto season 5...thats why there was nudity in the pilot ep.

then sci fi picked it up from season 6 on.

in 98 fox bought syndication rights to air stargate but mgm is still the owner of stargate

and now back on topic...happy happy joy joy firefly dvd....(and this is where you people say:"Do NOT put that in your pants. I'm serious!" "NO!" "no, DAMNIT! bad gabe!" penny-arcade quote for you folks not in the know)


{CB1}Carp King October 4 2005 9:31 PM EDT

Adrian Exodus is correct, Stargate SG1 is the only reason I subscribed to Showtime. As for Serenity I cant wait to go see it, but I'm broke so it will have to wait. I hope it does get picked up by SciFi and they add it to SciFi friday. But I don't see that happening.

Thraklight Resonance October 4 2005 9:33 PM EDT

Serenity has, at least for the time being, passed Return of the Jedi over at the international movie database (it is currently #118 on the all-time favorite films list, and Jedi is #124). It's rank will likely drop once imdb gets past the initial postings of hardcore Firefly fans, but 70% of the first 10,000+ user votes have ranked it a 10.

Thraklight Resonance October 4 2005 9:35 PM EDT

*Its (reminds self not to post while still taking a nap).

Victimizer October 4 2005 10:58 PM EDT

Watching Firefly first is not necessary to see Serenity, but it will leave small plotholes, I went to the movies with my friends then borrowed the DVD's after at which upon completion there are parts that go...oh so thats what that was all about...but other than that no previous knowledge of firefly is need, in fact serenity mad me a fan of Firefly.

oh and for everyone dissing Episode III remember no matter what you thought of the movie the darth vader part at the end can and will make anyone laugh /me does freaky rendition of the robot..nooooooo!

CoolWater October 9 2005 4:29 AM EDT

Just saw this movie yesterday. Surprisingly it wasn't very popular here in Australia. There were probably only about 20 people in the cinema and it was Saturday afternoon. So there was no excuse that people were too busy to watch it.
But I think it'll be a lot better if I have watch Firefly before Serenity.

Dragon Slayer October 9 2005 4:37 AM EDT

Ive seen it twice once on a thursday night where there was about 5 people in the theater and once on a friday night where there was about 7 people in the theater but both of them were the last showing of the night so take that for what you will...

maulaxe October 10 2005 12:19 AM EDT

saw it last week - awesome!

I loved how much comedy there was in what was otherwise a very dark movie. made it so much better than if it had stuck with trying to be only serious or only action (or only [whatever]).
another thing I liked was the discrepancy between the technologies that people had - a wide gap between the haves and the have-nots. was a nice touch.

I definitely need to see the series. and yes, River does pwn jedi. especially if she were to lay hands on a lightsaber.
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