My lucky day. (in Off-topic)

QBsutekh137 October 1 2005 6:29 PM EDT

Feeling lucky today, and wanting to share.

So I sleep in, and decide I'm not going in to work. I do connect from home and spend a couple hours crafting an e-mail, but other than that, 55 hours a week is plenty for me.

Wake up, use BA, and (thanks to Trillian's recent thread) remember that "Serenity" opens this weekend. I find showtimes, and I have time to go lift, eat, and shower before heading out. Get to the theater right on time to see some decent previews, followed by the fantastic "Serenity". Damn fine.

I realize I am close to CompUSA, and I wanted to go check out the M-Audio MIDI controller keyboard to use with GarageBand (bit of a hobbyist as of late). I am trundling along in the WRX when I see flashing lights in the rearview. Yeah, an officer is pulling me over. 56 in a 40. I was moving through traffic pretty good, but really had no ieda I was going that fast (and comparatively, I wasn't). I sweat it out while he goes back to his cruiser. A few minutes later he walks back up with only what I gave him -- no ticket. He says, "I'm just going to give you a warning. Slow it down, and we'll keep that record of yours clean." I guess my killing spree in Spokane hasn't caught up with me yet, and my years of grinding puppies into crystal meth hasn't trashed my karma yet. Phew! Incidentally, that is two times in a row I have been stopped and given only a warning. Both times I was driving more than 10 miles-per-hour over the posted limit.

I get to CompUSA, and they have the keyboard I am looking for hooked up to an iMac already! So I can play with it and see it is something I would like. But first, I check to see if the test Mac has an Internet connection. Yes! I log into CB and see a magical "153". I burn off enough BA to get me home, play with the keyboard, snag one off the shelf, and head for the registers.

As I am paying, the register spits out several yards of paper. Evidently there is a rebate on the keyboard! $25 on a $99 item! I was going to buy online the day before, but I held off. A manufacturer's rebate started today, so my little toy has a 25% discount!

I get home, finish BA, and play around with my keyboard a bit. Everything works, and life is good. All on a beautiful 80-degree day. I am heading out for a walk now, and later will make some music with my keyboard and GarageBand.

Anyway, just wanted to share. I hope everyone is having a beautiful day.

Trillian October 1 2005 6:47 PM EDT

I was hungover, my day was not so beautiful :P

Grim Reaper October 1 2005 9:03 PM EDT

"I realize I am close to CompUSA"

Is the compusa u went to upstairs of the theater?

For a moment there I was thinking you live in same city I am.

maulaxe October 1 2005 10:30 PM EDT

I can't say my day was that good, but I am just about to go eat an Argentine-style barbecue (If you don't know, you should. but I'm too lazy to explain here. suffice to say, YUM!), and I do agree that Serenity was awesome. even not having seen the series, its still whalloped my posterior.
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