Econ clan (in General)

miteke [Superheros] September 30 2005 9:25 AM EDT

I intend to join or start an econ clan. But with camping gone I feel the benefits should be beefed up. Here are some ideas to start (yet another) dialog on the subject. Have patience with me if they have already been discussed and tossed or even implemented since I've not paid much attention to econ clans until now:

1) Kickbacks. An econ clan is implicitly involved inthe CB banking system. When any item is sold by the auctioneer, the econ clans get a small cut based on rank. A nice steady income would be nice as long as it is not so large that it gets silly. And the larger it gets, the more folks that will clamor to get into an econ clan. Failing that how about a kickback for every item bought from the store or auction. A board game called Merchant of Venus does that. If you own the factory or space port you get a kickback whenever someone uses it.

2) Private auctions. Have some rares spawned and sold in the auction be ONLY available for bidding by those in econ clans. Perhaps have a voting system like the black market except called the private auction.

3) Bigger monetary rewards in battles. Fighting clans get exp bonus, why not give econ clans monetary bonuses.

4) Cheaper blacksmithing costs.

5) A forging bonus since lots of econ clan members make their cash off forging.

Quark September 30 2005 12:48 PM EDT

Only a 1/2 hour before the forging changelog - prescience!

miteke [Superheros] September 30 2005 10:43 PM EDT

It would be nice if the new forging bonus was based on rank so that there was some competition. At the moment I don't see any reason to be the best.

the fighting clan bonus ranges fro 0 - 15%. Perhaps the econ clan bonus should range from 0 - 30%, or even 0 - 45%. That 45% bonus would be a thing of beauty, though a 25% bonus is nothing to sneeze at! Nothing like greed to motivate folks.

I still like the idea of econ only auctions. Probably pretty simple to set up if it was made similar to the black market.

I'm surprised I was not flamed on the kickback idea. After thinking about it I'm going to flame my own idea since you all are so short winded. Getting income when you do not spend BAs seems a Bad Idea.

RIPsalt3d September 30 2005 11:14 PM EDT

Your private auction idea is a good one, miteke.

miteke [Superheros] October 2 2005 12:10 AM EDT

It's also a bad idea to base rewards on the current eclan ranking system. Like Jon says in his FORS it's too easy to artificially pump ratings the way it is.

Perhaps ratings could be based on something that costs BA, like forging, or fight rewards, or some new action purely for making money? Don't really like any of those suggestions as is, but Jonathan can usually come up with something interesting.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] October 2 2005 3:13 AM EDT

i like the idea of a forging bonus...but, ....

I had this idea come to me, but decided to post here instead of a new thread...

Make it so Econ clans are like a Banking Business. People get loans from a whole E-clan, and whatever money is returned the whole clan profits from it. Or make it so whoever gives most to the clan (in the clan) will get the most profit. or...

When loans are sent out and returned with interest, the E-clan member will recieve a set % added bonus onto whatever the money was to him for. (I see huge abuse for this tho.) But I'm sure there's a way around that abuse.
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