This is the end, my only friend, the end (in Off-topic)

Warchild September 25 2005 7:28 PM EDT

Well this has been a long time in the coming. I have enjoyed my time here but since I am no longer able to give the time and dedication that is needed to truly appreciate the game I have decided to leave.

I have met some truly amazing people (as well as some truly amazing idiots) and I will be popping into chat every now and again to talk but I will no longer be playing.

Thank you to everyone who has made this game worth playing

PS please do not approach me about any of my items (exception to the people I have already spoken with) unless you have an awesome (for me) deal to offer.

TheEverblacksky September 25 2005 7:30 PM EDT

sorry to hear it man, you are an outstanding member of the community or at least for what i know you to be ^^.

Blarg September 25 2005 7:55 PM EDT

dangit warchild. If you leave then everyone else is going to leave because "Warchild is doing it". Seriously though, sorry to see you go.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] September 25 2005 8:05 PM EDT


TheEverblacksky September 25 2005 8:23 PM EDT

is that like.... well mom i only smoked a pack because all the cool kids were doing it?

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] September 26 2005 1:47 AM EDT

it seriously feels like everybody is leaving nowadays...=/

sad to see you go WC

CoolWater September 26 2005 2:03 AM EDT

I know we may have our differences in the past as well as dealing with each other during CB1 era, but nevertheless I wish you the best in your future.

QBJohnnywas September 26 2005 2:11 AM EDT

One of the hardest working opponents in the game - sorry to see you leave.

best of luck in RL!

sssimmo September 26 2005 3:12 AM EDT

Sad to see you go War. Good luck mate.

AdminShade September 26 2005 3:44 AM EDT

Good luck in the real life Warchild!

[T]Vestax September 26 2005 3:55 AM EDT

Come back to badger us anytime you feel like it.

Aco September 26 2005 3:58 PM EDT

owned by real life. It eventually gets the best of us
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