The cruelest blow. (in Off-topic)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] September 21 2005 5:45 AM EDT

Claire has suffered a missed miscarriage. Our baby died three weeks ago, but is still in her womb. Hopefully it should flush out naturally, although painfully, over the next couple of days. Otherwise we'll have to consider going to theatre.

I know I've got to be cool and clam for her sake, but I'm so hurt inside I can't stop crying.

CoolWater September 21 2005 5:49 AM EDT

I'm truly saddened to hear that GL. I hope you can get through this tough times.

[Tranquility]-USDForger [Azn Forgesmith] September 21 2005 5:51 AM EDT

I am so sorry about this. I hope things go well and wish you the best of everything. There is time you feel down but the least you still have her to share. I lost my mother at birth and my dad has been raising me since. There are many things seem so unfair in the world. But Let the Lord shine mercy on us .

QBRanger September 21 2005 6:07 AM EDT

I am so sorry but it likely was for the best. Most of the time (over 90%) a miscarriage is due to a fetal abnormality, such as a chromosonal abnormality, that would have prevented a full term pregnancy. However it does not mean that you can Claire cannot try and try again to have another child.

Grim Reaper September 21 2005 6:15 AM EDT

My friend got his girlfriend pregnant and then she had a misscarriage after like 3 months, after that he dumped her and "didn't care".

Sad to hear it happened GL.

CoolWater September 21 2005 6:43 AM EDT

GL, it wasn't your fault or anyone's fault. In most cases of miscarriages were due to bad luck and no other reasons, it's not something you and Claire did or didn't do. Be patient and talk to us, we are always here to listen.

QBJohnnywas September 21 2005 6:58 AM EDT

Sorry to hear that mate. I know how stoked the pair of you were.

You know where I am.

IndependenZ September 21 2005 7:22 AM EDT

I too am very sorry for you and Claire. Life can be a real pain sometimes. These things happen all the time to all kinds of people, for no particular reason. My sincere condolences, GL!

Stephen Young September 21 2005 7:42 AM EDT

I know that saying I'm sorry isn't much help, but I am. We'll all be thinking of you and Claire.

AdminShade September 21 2005 9:51 AM EDT

Awhh, gosh I don't know what to say... it's horrible that such a thing can happen...
I know a few people where it has happened also and they say that it just takes time for it to heal.

Only thing I could say is better luck next time...

Relic September 21 2005 10:07 AM EDT

This same situation just happened to my brother-in-laws wife on my wife's side. It is heartbreaking. I am sorry for your loss.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] September 21 2005 10:40 AM EDT

Man....I remember when you were so excited when you found out about your baby on the way, I'm truly sorry to hear this GL, good luck...=/

Xiaz on Hiatus September 21 2005 11:23 AM EDT

Best wishes to you and your Mrs. May you be strong and steady through these times.

LumpBot September 21 2005 11:26 AM EDT

I'm truely sorry, this kind of thing should never happen to anyone. I was the child after my mother's miscarriage so maybe you will have the same luck.

BrandonLP September 21 2005 12:29 PM EDT

I don't know if I'd considering that luck, knowing you, Spaceman. ;) Kidding.

The same thing happened to my best friend and his old girlfriend (now wife), and I remember the emotional trauma they suffered. It was hard, for sure, and I'd be glad to get you in contact with either of them, GL.

LumpBot September 21 2005 1:22 PM EDT

Sheesh, that's the 3rd person that has questioned my parent's "luck" because their off spring was me.
Let me rephrase then, GL I hope when you feel the time is right, you are much more successful; I also hope your child will be nothing like me though.

Undertow September 21 2005 2:36 PM EDT

Dude, that really sucks. That's a situation that I've never been in and hope I never will be.
But.. um... what do you mean by going to theatre? Cuz... I don't think you mean the movies or a play.... and that's all I know...

RIPsalt3d September 21 2005 6:44 PM EDT

GL, you have my deepest and most sincere condolences.

Warchild September 21 2005 7:46 PM EDT


I am so sorry for your loss man.

And, while i applaud you for trying to be strong for Claire, don't forget that you have to take care of yourself as well.

chappy [Soup Ream] September 21 2005 7:49 PM EDT

/me is sad :(

/me sends best wishes

Blarg September 22 2005 1:06 AM EDT

No words are sufficient to describe the sadness i feel for your situation, and I cannot imagine the dreadful pain you and Claire must be feeling right now.

My deepest condolences to you both

Bull3t F4c3 September 22 2005 1:12 AM EDT

my aunt had one...just gotta move on and get over it. Your offspring is now in a better place than any of us could imagine and he/she/it would not want you to be crying over it. I know that this is a huge blow to your life and i hope you can return to your normal state of life at god speed. please try again because you will make an excellent father

[SoV] Shiv [/me Forge Stuff :D] September 22 2005 3:25 AM EDT

/me is sad :(

/me hugs GL

/me keeps GL+wife and family in prayers.

{cb1}Linguala September 22 2005 8:30 AM EDT

condolences GL, don't know what else to say...
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