Question about CC payments - Applicable to all. (in General)

miteke [Superheros] September 19 2005 10:57 AM EDT

If a person says they will pay me $X dollars for an item, I expect to receive $X. If they choose a method of payment that causes me to receive less than $X I do not see why I should accept that as the full $X.

In a typical business situation, they know up front whether they are receiving a CC payment and will have to eat the fees, we DON'T.

The current de Facto standard is: The seller needs to screen all buyers and determine which offer is best based on a best guess on that buyers credit card fees (which vary from CC to CC), or just say no CC xfers. Some folks are not even aware that this might happen.

Suggested standard: You offer $X, you make sure the seller receives $X or you tell the seller that due to having a CC account they will only receive $Y.

What are your views on this? Do we need an official standard posted as part of the forum rules? Do you have a standard you wish were used?

Will [Retired] September 19 2005 11:06 AM EDT

If you didn't want to accept the payment, then you shouldn't have done so. I believe that you had the choice to either accept or reject the payment that was made, as long as it was done by credit card.

If you didn't, than that means that you were already on the premium business account and any charges made on that payment were a result of your actions, not the payer.

AdminShade September 19 2005 11:12 AM EDT

moved thread to General since this isnt a SALE thread but a thread ABOUT sales in general. :) (otherwise it would be closed down too early)

QBRanger September 19 2005 11:39 AM EDT

Since this is in a new thread I will repost my initial statement in your old thread:


There have been a lot of other posts that take into account Paypal CC and the fee they take for using a CC.

However, you are totally and completely wrong in your unilateral deducting cb2 from what was paid for.

Again, you are completely wrong and should honor the deal that was made--16 usd per million.

I think of it as business. Businesses that take credit cards like american express have to pay for the privilage of using the CC. And the prices we, the public, pay is reflected in the prices poste. However, there are some companies that state BEFORE you pay, that there is a cash discount or that there is a "fee" for using a CC.

Think of what you are doing as a business. Selling cb2 for usd. You fully well knew that paypal CC charged a fee, you are not a new player and have been selling cb2 for a while now.

Honor the deal!

Grim Reaper September 19 2005 11:50 AM EDT

I'm pretty sure the fees are the same either if you have money received from person who already has money on their account or from credit card. The problem is on your side, if you got free account then you can't accept anything but cash that is on the paypal account, if you have bussiness account then you can accept credit card payments the same way normal money is sent, it is delivered right away there is no wait time.

Special J September 19 2005 12:15 PM EDT

If you charge more because of the fees, paypal will close your account when a complaint is made.

Welcome to business, if you don't like it, don't use paypal.

Undertow September 19 2005 12:17 PM EDT

When a CC fee is deducted, it's not the BUYER that's paying the fee, it's the SELLER.

Your paying the CC company to process your business arrangement.

So stop complaining about what YOU pay in Credit Card fees.

miteke [Superheros] September 19 2005 1:16 PM EDT

Good points.

I had no idea when I upgraded to premium I gave up the option of rejecting CC sales, so it is my fault. As a seller I modified my account to automatically accept CC sales - my bad.

Does anyone know how to turn that annoying option OFF!

TrueDevil [AAA] September 19 2005 1:43 PM EDT

hmm, I think even if you accept paypal payment, there's still a transfer fee since you became premium member. I know it's been like that for me since the first time I joined paypal.

miteke [Superheros] September 19 2005 2:19 PM EDT

I've received a number of payments before and never got socked for a fee, even at premium. A fee is only taken for Credit Cards.

AdminJonathan September 19 2005 2:53 PM EDT

you weren't a premium account then.

once you're premium, paypal _always_ takes its cut, even from payments funded by "paypal balance."

miteke [Superheros] September 19 2005 3:30 PM EDT

Aagh! I see that the $0 fee transactions were when I SENT money, not received them. I have GOT to downgrade to a personal account!! I think I'll end up saving more money in the end than I lost on this transaction just by downgrading the account and eliminating those stupid fees.

Part-time Barman September 19 2005 3:34 PM EDT

"Stupid fees"

Why do people always want something for nothing?

Special J September 19 2005 4:03 PM EDT

Once you are a premium account then you are forced to remain there. But I would highly suggest that unless you do not care about your paypal account that you do not charge more to make up for the fees. Those are the costs of doing business and as long as your profit is higher than your actual cost then you are still in the green.

Welcome to business and welcome to understanding what you signup for PRIOR to signing up for i t.

Chargerz-Back September 19 2005 4:55 PM EDT

is $0.30 + 2.9% that big of a deal?

i just ignore it. i am getting money from a game that i play for free.

Grim Reaper September 19 2005 5:18 PM EDT

lol charger the 30cents +2.9% gets bad when you have to pay 1$ flat fee + another 3%

There are many more fees besides just the 30cents, there are currency exchange fees, international tax fees where certain money from certain countries causes additional 10cents or more deducted ontop of 30cents, overall so far I end up with 70cents thats right just 70cents as the fee and 3% ontop of it all.

So to do things cheaply it is best to get one lump sum to cover costs because if you do this:

Receive 15usd from each person(lets say 5people) you would lose out more money than:

Receive all that same usd they all would give you from just one person. So you get 5x15=75 usd all from one person-here you are saving 1dollar and 20cents and maybe even more.
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