Welcome Intox to the ranks of the elitists (in General)

5583 days old {Gaza} September 15 2005 4:51 AM EDT

Fianlly another top player has taken to removing a tatt and proving that you don't actually lose much by removing your tattoo.
Now I just have to beat Intox to number 1 char without a tatt.
Note: you don't NEED a tattoo to be competitive; it's a lot more interesting if you don't... if you take it off and you lose more than you win against current opponents; your strat sucked anyway

sssimmo September 15 2005 4:58 AM EDT

Dude he's using an RoE

Grim Reaper September 15 2005 5:04 AM EDT

I think roe can be exception because it can just count as having nub.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] September 15 2005 5:11 AM EDT

Then count me in!! ;)

sssimmo September 15 2005 5:13 AM EDT

I'm thinking about it. I have a ripper strat plan but I need a lot of $.

RIPsalt3d September 15 2005 6:11 AM EDT

if you take it off and you lose more than you win against current opponents; your strat sucked anyway

If you take it off and you win more than you lose against current opponents, you weren't making the most of your tattoo.

Grim Reaper September 15 2005 6:12 AM EDT

Tattoos now don't give as much pr as they used to. My tattoo right now increases the pr less than it would if I had all my minions as 1 minion and then got a second one and trained it to the same level dd as the tattoo has.

Caedmon [Revenge of the Forgers] September 15 2005 2:09 PM EDT

Maybe people should take off their weapon, too. If you can't win without it, did your strat suck?

Synco September 15 2005 2:51 PM EDT

Sure, I'll take the whip off my mage.
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