The Dune Books & Frank Herbert (in Off-topic)

Urizen September 6 2005 12:11 AM EDT

I read his books in college and reading them again. (Out of order) But with a more potent effect.
Started again with God Emperor of Dune and moving on into Heretic's of Dune. His work is so profound, I for one I put them on pedestal with Lord of the Rings. This Thread is a Tribute in the 1st Degree, to Herbert but also a discussion on the dune books as a whole.
I refresh everyone’s memory on his ideas with not only on the idea of cloning but awaking the memories of those who have been cloned, but also the possibility of the human race running a breeding program. Have these main idea’s become a reality in our own society? If not I think they should be, People SHOULD be bred for the continuation of the human race. The future is not as forgiving as the past; we don’t have the time to waste. But at the same time how far should we go without God’s (infinity’s) consent. I think these are modern day problems that should be headed with thought from a prophet of our times, who could see so very far!
The game we play here is a game of Time, battles in time. Time is what controls us all and will never let us forget the span we have to live as an individual. We can all appreciate that. But the higher purpose we all try to serve in nationality and religion always points back to our humankind.

PS. I wrote this in Word but I wanted to make sure it was correct. Sorry for the ^s

Relic September 6 2005 12:22 AM EDT

This is the age old debate of science and religion. Should science delve into creating life and attempting to sustain life irregardless of the religious implications? Should religion hold sway and shunt the efforts of science in breeding super races, erradicate disease from the human genome, and allow supermarket birthing processes i.e. blue eyes, tall, dark handsome, athletic, intelligent, basically pick all the genetic characteristics of your children? I am a man of science and also religion and feel there is no clear solution or compromise at this point that can be reached, this is mainly due to the ignorance the scientific community still has in regards to genetics. Does science know a great deal, sure, can/should they know more before they start doing some of the things they are already? Well that brings us back to the battle itself. I am always a fan of the approach, make the decision only once you are prepared and ready for the outcome of the decision...

AdminJonathan September 6 2005 12:22 AM EDT

IMO the first Dune book really was up there with LotR in the epic scope hinted at offscreen, as it were.

Unfortunately none of the rest of his work was. Maybe the drugs took their toll. :)

Relic September 6 2005 12:27 AM EDT

I have to agree with Jonathan on this one. The first book was remarkable, after that the next two were good but not like the first. After that he pretty much lost me and I felt like Jimmy Hendrix....being in a Purple Haze. Some times elegance in writing is in the lack of detail, that way the imagination can fill in what the writer cannot or even should not.

Urizen September 6 2005 12:29 AM EDT

Drugs have been there since the very first human. We have been trying to self medicate since the very first opiate was discovered. I wouldn't try to blame the downfall of dune on the same substance that could also prolong life.

Relic September 6 2005 12:33 AM EDT

Adam smoked Opium eh? I have never read that bible story. :)

I also have never heard of Opiate prolonging life. Can you post some sources that support that claim?

Unica September 6 2005 12:33 AM EDT

For a literary exposition I read the books and make a Kris Knife, I really enjoyed them, as the for the first book being the best compared to the rest, I heard that he left one unfinished when he died so it doesn't end with the ChapterHouse. His son has taken up his notes and made six prequels...but his writing is nothing like his father's.....

maulaxe September 6 2005 12:38 AM EDT

chapterhouse was... a big letdown. I think thats the way to describe it, at least for me.

AdminJonathan September 6 2005 1:03 AM EDT


learn how to spell Crysknife before posting in a thread about Dune, please

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] September 6 2005 1:05 AM EDT

Sheesh.. why don't you just add it to the spellchecker?

Urizen September 6 2005 1:11 AM EDT

I just gave opium as a example I didn't say IT in particular saved lives. I was talking of drugs as a whole there.

I know words are very hard to use to communicate your point, after all that's all we have to comunicate WITH! I will try to be more forthcomming in the future.

I am just trying to bring out some intelligent comments from those of us ready to give them. I'm in no way trying to bring about a heated debate.

Bring your experience with candor, but know we mean no harm.
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