Question on dexterity (in General)

Manson September 4 2005 3:43 AM EDT

I was just thinking about the impact of equipping a two-handed melee weapon and a shield causing massive reduction in dexterity. Then the question of carrying almost 15k arrows while doing battle comes into my mind. If each arrow has an average mass of 100 grams, won't 15k arrows equal 1500 kg or 1.5 tons in weight? Surely that would really reduce the dexterity of an archer. And not taking into account the fact that 15k arrows is really a huge bundle and the archer will probably look funny and clumsy. :p Comments anyone?

Adrian Exodus September 4 2005 3:46 AM EDT

just because you own 15k arrows doesn't mean your going to carry more then say 50 into a small battle.

Undertow September 4 2005 3:46 AM EDT

He probably doesn't actually take 15k into each fight, just has that many stockpiled. Most archers don't actually use more than 9 most.

Xiaz on Hiatus September 4 2005 4:11 AM EDT

My comment is that CB isn't realistic. So there's no point applying real world logic to it, buddy :P

AdminShade September 4 2005 8:41 AM EDT

so you honestly think an archer would even bring 15000 arrows to the battle?

Each battle in CB uses less than 100 ammo per team (at least I never saw an ammo use of anything above this number) so 100 arrows would only make 100*100 grams = 15 kilograms, still large but a lot less than your 1.5 tons :P

The point is that with every fight the archer will only bring just enough arrows that he/she/it can shoot and keep the rest in a chest or safe keep so he/she/it doesn't need to bring all the ammo with him/her/it.

Stephen Young September 4 2005 11:15 AM EDT

I subscribe to the theory that Carnage Blender archers really do have the ability to carry 1.5 tons of arrows into a fight. It's just funnier that way.

QBRanger September 4 2005 11:47 AM EDT

What do you think my wall and enchanter are doing in battle? Carrying all my tanks bolts.

Manson September 4 2005 12:16 PM EDT

Well, we cannot un-merge our ammo so I have this idea that we have to bring the whole bundle during battles :p I guess if its a single tank, the poor fella will be dragging his arrows while fighting. While in a 4 minion team, his companions will be cursing and swearing at him for bringing so many arrows :)

bartjan September 4 2005 12:20 PM EDT

Shade, dunno how it works in Imperial units, but using the Metric System, 100x100 grams has always been 10 kg ;)

maulaxe September 4 2005 2:56 PM EDT

they're MAGIC arrows!

'nuff said.

HunterFrei September 4 2005 3:14 PM EDT

Maybe every archer has a Quiver of Ehlonna?

[T]Vestax September 4 2005 4:51 PM EDT

Actually, Carnage Blender uses heavy duty arrows. Each arrow weighs at least 4 to 5 times of what you figure. The thing is that each point of ST is equal to the strength of one rather lager human being. This means that a basic minion is 20 times stronger then a really buff guy.

We also give our minions huge weapons that are enchanted so they won't brake under such power. I mean, you really don't want to know how big a Morg Hammer actually is. Plus you don't want to think about what would happen if our minions ever decided to think for themselves and question our power over them.
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