Should I finally drop the TOJ? (in General)

AngryZac September 1 2005 11:02 AM EDT

My strat is as basic as they come, but I've always considered changing my TOJ to either a TOE or a FF...just never have. So the question I pose is should I finally make the switch? I feel if I do I'd probably try to trade ofcourse, so the drop hopefully isn't that full 5%...but when advising keep in mind I may have to resort to a smaller tat in the end.

Relic September 1 2005 11:08 AM EDT

Just talk to Bast about the ToJ.

Arorrr September 1 2005 11:55 AM EDT

Nah, ToJ = very good offensive and defensive strat. Don't reink it.

With ToA lower dex and ToE higher effect, ToJ = major boost this change month.

QBJohnnywas September 1 2005 11:59 AM EDT

Keep it. If your strat is working stick with it. And as your ToJ is in the top 50 you've got a nice little investment property there. I'd buy the other tattoo and grow that instead of re-inking...

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 1 2005 12:00 PM EDT

you own the only rare tat, if you don't want it, trade it rather than ink it

AdminJonathan September 1 2005 12:09 PM EDT

ToJ was not affected by the ToE changes, except in how it will do less dmg to a ToE wearer

Mem September 1 2005 2:22 PM EDT

/me is still trying to figure out how the tattoo that has at least three times as many tattoos out there than any other tattoo is the 'rare' tattoo... (520 ToJs to 158 ToAs)

I suppose that's just what the market wants you to think so that you grossly overpay for one if you choose to buy one.

Anyways, I think you should go FF with your strat AngryZac. I was once in your position, except I had been wearing a ToE for the longest time and was thinking about making the switch to FF (back when I still had Krang). Well, sure enough when I made the switch I was able to compete in the top tiers. You just have to realize that as a FB mage you are out there to deal lots of damage in the least amount of rounds you can. Just my 2 cents though.

Grim Reaper September 1 2005 3:56 PM EDT

from my fights with Toj's, they are too weak in dealing dmg. My ice tattoo was able to kill a Toj in like 1 round. And now to write a bit more so I can get the spellchecker let me post :)

AngryZac September 1 2005 5:15 PM EDT

Just curious, because I'm unsure yet of what to do (stick with TOJ or go to FF, as TOE seems like a bad idea)...I use my TOJ as pretty much just a meat shield, so the question is, would a FF make a decent meat shield as well? How quickly does the FF gain HP compaired to the TOJ, and how much damage can you expect from one in melee rounds?

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] September 1 2005 5:24 PM EDT

depending on the size of the FF, it can do very good damage, to a single minion mine does over 100k per shot in melee, they do not make very good meat shields though, but if you can finish up the battle quick there is no need to have a meat shield.
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