SB/maulaxe (in Public Record)

strongbad August 30 2005 9:39 PM EDT

maulaxe has agreed to buy my MCM. Currently he has a debt of 600k on the MCM

maulaxe August 30 2005 9:55 PM EDT

I forgot to tell you that I had already made a PR Post, but just let that one get buried.
So, yeah. I made the down payment and still owe 600k.

maulaxe August 30 2005 10:17 PM EDT

dang - the link changed somehow, I had this link on the original post, but it decided to scoff at me or something... it was still available to be pasted though

maulaxe August 30 2005 10:18 PM EDT

why does my html not like me? help!
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