See what u have been missing! (in Off-topic)

{CB1}Carp King August 29 2005 10:42 PM EDT

Since some of you don't play CB1 (the better of the two) anymore, here is some expensive news.

Most expensive weapon at $412,583,824 is A Heavy Crossbow [x28] (+177) owned by (CI)Sir Freedalot (freed again)

A small ELB.

RIPsalt3d August 30 2005 6:18 AM EDT

An update:

Most expensive weapon at $425,319,579 is A Heavy Crossbow [x28] (+191) owned by (CI)Sir Freedalot (freed again)

To put it in perspective, here's his MPB:

Most Powerful Blow: 388,067,203

Grim Reaper August 30 2005 7:13 AM EDT

so...... Why isn't the elb there the most damaging?

bartjan August 30 2005 7:23 AM EDT

This *is* an elb...

Shark August 30 2005 7:57 AM EDT

anyone over 1 billion NW yet?

Xiaz on Hiatus August 30 2005 7:59 AM EDT

Net Worth
Maltese Cross (1,138,489,831)
wldflr (961,058,613)
Kronos (857,597,704)
Prophet 60091 (566,766,712)
ShadyMel (503,517,048)


Shark August 30 2005 9:06 AM EDT

heh thats too funny keeping up with the jones's..I got tired of it myself :)
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