I typically rank about 932 or so with my name "eieken", since I haven't used AIM in a couple years.
Yes, you get to fight with your screen name. The more crazy people you have on your list, the higher you rank. Pretty crazy stuff.
Try it out!
Adrian Exodus
August 26 2005 6:05 PM EDT
:( my scores so low, only 711 and all the girls i know on aim and tested have at least 2k, but oh well, I never really liked aim and I have trillian with 5 chats running.
Score: 2815
And I'm not exactly that talkative...
August 26 2005 7:47 PM EDT
344...How does this work? What does it do?
August 26 2005 8:10 PM EDT
This is the way it works.
It takes how many people have YOU on THEIR buddy list.
So, Muppet, Whose s/n I won't share, has me on his buddy list.
you get points for them.
Then, everyone who has HIM on their buddy list, gives me points. his g/f has him on her list.
Then everyone who has HER on their list gives me points.
It only works up to 4 jumps like that.
I don't know how it works if... like... I'm on Muppets g/f's list too...
it's kinda cool.
August 26 2005 9:11 PM EDT
My score would be 0, since I don't use AIM...
August 26 2005 10:07 PM EDT
Your score is 3,593, wow, aren't I mister popular? =P
August 26 2005 10:09 PM EDT
Aha! I win, JohnDoe, who isn't me but it my character has 25K points
August 27 2005 1:46 AM EDT
I have 6777 and the 1 person i am talking to has over 10k... I would try it with other sns... but i just don't care lol
August 27 2005 1:55 AM EDT
I have been shuned....I actually opened up my AIM box and picked a close friend, she got 16,
August 27 2005 2:00 AM EDT
I think I'm having too much fun, I have to post this, my friend Jennifer has 37,313 points.
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