Vampiric Aura Question (in General)

Inferno August 26 2005 4:18 PM EDT

How does VA work?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 26 2005 4:22 PM EDT


bartjan August 26 2005 4:24 PM EDT

For each melee hit you do, a certain percentage of the damage you do is added as temporary (lasts during this battle) HP to the tank that did the hit. The amount of HP added is never more than the amount of life the victim minion has, and also depends on the ratio of your VA to your melee damage (if VA is too low compared to the damage you do, it's much less effective).

Inferno August 26 2005 4:26 PM EDT

So say my melee does 25k per hit, should I train VA up to 25k?

LumpBot August 26 2005 4:28 PM EDT

Train your VA to your "most powerful blow". That is your best bet.

Inferno August 26 2005 4:29 PM EDT

Thanks guys!

bartjan August 26 2005 4:34 PM EDT

Unless your MPB is caused by a very expensive Elven Long Bow (that's a tautology, isn't it?) with a single x40 slayer arrow ;)

maulaxe August 26 2005 4:35 PM EDT

how does it stack with the fixed 20% from the special melee weaps?

bartjan August 26 2005 4:36 PM EDT

It stacks.
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