ToA Mage (in General)

QBJohnnywas August 26 2005 6:32 AM EDT

How viable is this as a strategy? A single ToA mage - not a hybrid - I'm not talking a CoC archer or anything like that. Would the addition of the ToA stats make a difference? For instance, would it enable the mage to avoid hits from tanks? I know that there were discussions about mages with high dex in CB1 but I haven't seen anybody using a ToA in this way.

Is it worth using a tattoo for this purpose? Or would it just be a waste?

Xiaz on Hiatus August 26 2005 6:35 AM EDT

If you trained DX on the mage to increase that DX gap over your opponent, add a DB to that, then I'd say yes, you would indeed be able to dodge attacks.

The problem is the ToA being big enough to give you sufficient DX. :)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] August 26 2005 7:08 AM EDT

*cough* Kenneth Irons *cough* ;)

The idea back in CB1 (when evasion didn't reduce Dex) was to get a mage with a fat pair of DBs and Dex equal to tanks thier level. You would build the mage in exatly the same way as a Tank, just substituting the xp the tank spend on Str on a DD spell instead.

It would have worked.

But not here. With a ToA, tanks can spend less if any at all in Str, being propped up by the ToA.

For a mage, using a ToA just to try to get enough Dex to dodge attacks is a waste. You'll never be able to spend enough xp in your Dex to equal a ToA tank that's been light with Str and still have a DD worth casting.

QBJohnnywas August 26 2005 7:17 AM EDT

Yeah, that's what I thought. I did think it would also be a waste of a tattoo - a ToE would be more effective with much less need to waste XP into 'real' DX.

Just a bored Friday mind wandering moment..... =)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] August 26 2005 7:20 AM EDT

Yeah. I think that some tattoos are too good, they ruin strategy.

If you have a Tank, then you just use a ToA.

If you have a Mage, it's a ToE.

Other set ups don't cut the mustard, so variation and strategy take a hit.

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