Gear up for a Chess Match (players) (in Contests)

[T]Vestax August 24 2005 5:23 PM EDT

I will be holding a chess match starting this Sunday. The battle will be between two teams of six players. The Contest will be divided into three basic parts.

1) First we need to make up the two teams. Perspective players must submit 5k to Storage Tank and then post their player request. Feel free to post not only your request but also any reason why it would be good for you to be on a team. I however will not be choosing all the players. I will only choose two captains to lead each team. If you have no desire to be a captain then please say so. I should have leaders picked sometime late on Thursday.

2) Captains, once chosen, will then proceed to pick their team mates one at a time while alternating. Yeah I know, it's middle school dodge ball all over again. Once both teams are full, the remaining players will be refunded their money and have the option to place a bet instead. Players or perspective players are not allowed to place bets.

3) Hopefully by Sunday the teams will be set and organized enough to play. I will set up another post displaying the chess board (using my mildly awesome HTML skills) where the teams can post their moves and I'll update when I can.

In the meantime people will be able to place bets on the chess game. I will not fully explain it here but 10% of all bets will go towards the winning team's prize. I will not be taking any money for myself and instead I'll be paying for all the transfer fees for refunds and for delivering prizes. Bets will be handled in another post so please just wait.

Chess Match Rules:
1) The team that didn't get to pick first for players gets to move first in the match.
2) Teams will be required to post the order of their players with the leaders on top of the list of course. This list is much like a batting line-up. The leaders will be the first ones to make their teams move followed by the next player on the list and so forth.
3) A player has the option to pass their move onto their next teammate, but excessive passing will not be tolerated.
4) If a player does not post a move or a pass within six hours then his/her teammates can make their move for them.
5) The standard rules of chess will of course apply.

(If you can't figure out what move to make then please consult your team rather then pass or wait six hours. Use a pass when you just can't be on enough to either figure out a move or consult with someone.)

That is all for now, please keep a look out for other posts.

SaintMichael August 24 2005 5:25 PM EDT

I'll join, good game that chess. :)

WeaponX August 24 2005 5:33 PM EDT

i'm in. i play alot of online chess and am fairly good.

tWIsTEd August 24 2005 5:36 PM EDT

i'll join too

[T]Vestax August 24 2005 6:13 PM EDT

Nexium, if you want to play you'll need to submit your application fee of 5k to Storage Tank.

SaintMichael August 24 2005 6:52 PM EDT

Okay, sorry think I missed that part. :)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 24 2005 7:10 PM EDT

novice (Fangorn) Vestax (Storage Tank) $5000 7:08 PM EDT

I'd prefer not to be a captain, but will if need be.

[T]Vestax August 24 2005 11:43 PM EDT

We are going to need more players then this.

Undertow August 24 2005 11:49 PM EDT

So we don't need to be on specifically when the game starts? Just when our turn comes up.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 24 2005 11:52 PM EDT

we could simply adjust the play if we lack people.

maulaxe August 25 2005 2:09 AM EDT

I won't be on much on Sunday... otherwise I would join

maulaxe August 25 2005 2:14 AM EDT

actually, would it be ok to join with the understanding that I will pass automatically after 1.5 hours (instead of the specified 6) ?

[T]Vestax August 25 2005 9:31 AM EDT

Yeah, just during your turn. This means it should be easy for most of you to work the game around your life. And even if you miss a turn it's no big deal. Just try not to miss them all. The game could go slowly or it could be turn after turn if people from both sides are watching it.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] August 25 2005 9:39 AM EDT

"prospective players" not "perspective players".

Happy to give up my time.

maulaxe August 25 2005 12:35 PM EDT

well even if it it isn't my turn, I would still feel free to CM move suggestions to whoevers turn it is

or maybe this: anyone on the team can post the move, but it needs to be confirmed by another person on the team before play passes to the other side. That would help move things, while still keeping interaction within the team.

[T]Vestax August 25 2005 7:05 PM EDT

I guess I'm putting myself in as a player. I've submitted my own 5k. However I won't be choosing myself as a captain. This puts us up to 5 players. If we get a few more then we can have some reasonable teams.

I haven't seen many reasons why I should pick one person over another as captain though.

[T]Vestax August 25 2005 7:28 PM EDT

Oh, nevermind. 2 versus 2 is fine.

I choose Nexium Crash and MegamanV as the two captains. Nexium please pick heads or tails and whether you want to pick first or move first. Mega can answer too as to whether he would like to move first or choose first, seeing as Nexium could lose the toss.

Undertow August 25 2005 7:33 PM EDT

Dude, it's so far from Sunday. I'll join in.

[T]Vestax August 25 2005 7:38 PM EDT

Well that could be 3 vs 3. I can't win the pot since it's my contest, guess that's more money for my teammates if I was put on the winning team.

Derek August 25 2005 8:09 PM EDT

I'm keen to play if there is still room...

[T]Vestax August 25 2005 8:45 PM EDT

There is still room as long as it's not Sunday.

Derek August 25 2005 8:52 PM EDT

5k sent to storage tank

WeaponX August 25 2005 8:56 PM EDT

i wanna move 1st

Roya August 25 2005 11:25 PM EDT

I'd like to join, too. I quite enjoy chess

Undertow August 25 2005 11:26 PM EDT

:: drops his 5k into the hat. ::

[T]Vestax August 26 2005 3:52 PM EDT

Seems That Nex has dropped out ot the game because he's moving. Twistedness is now the new leader of that team. For the sake of having this all set up by Sunday I will just declare that MegamanV gets his wish. Twistedness will choose a teammate first.

tWIsTEd August 26 2005 3:57 PM EDT

i choose u vestax if ur playing, if not then i choose Roya

[T]Vestax August 26 2005 4:13 PM EDT

The people available to play chess are:
Roya, Undertow, Derek, novice, twistedness, MegamanV

Since there is an even number I won't steal a spot from someone else. I will only play if the teams end up uneven, which would only happen if a person or three jumped in. I'm not sure how I can prevent myself from bein gon MegamanV's team if this happens, but I'm sure we can work out a trade seeing as you picked me first.

[T]Vestax August 26 2005 4:13 PM EDT

Current Teams
Twistedness MegamanV

maulaxe August 26 2005 4:32 PM EDT

I don't expect to be around all that much, but i'll join in.

[T]Vestax August 26 2005 4:43 PM EDT

The people available to play and be picked (based on payments to game pot):
Undertow, Derek, novice, maulaxe

I have also added 60k to the game pot.

WeaponX August 26 2005 9:54 PM EDT

i choose undertow

Undertow August 26 2005 10:03 PM EDT

Woot, what up Mista Blue Bomber!

[T]Vestax August 26 2005 10:53 PM EDT

The people available to play and be picked:
Derek, novice, maulaxe

Current Teams
Twistedness MegamanV
Roya Undertow

tWIsTEd August 27 2005 1:50 PM EDT


maulaxe August 27 2005 1:51 PM EDT

wow - this is totally unlike a middle school playground now - sweet!

WeaponX August 27 2005 1:54 PM EDT


Biscuitback August 27 2005 1:58 PM EDT

can i put 100k on mega team?

stupid spell checker.

tWIsTEd August 27 2005 1:59 PM EDT


WeaponX August 27 2005 2:07 PM EDT

/me busts out calculator.

im a man short

[T]Vestax August 27 2005 2:41 PM EDT

I've tried to get another player but no deal. I'll wait a little while but if nothing then I'll be on Twistedness' team if he agrees to let Mega have his pick. Otherwise I'm on Mega's team.

tWIsTEd August 27 2005 2:42 PM EDT

i agree

[T]Vestax August 27 2005 2:50 PM EDT

Current Teams
Twistedness MegamanV
Roya Undertow
Maulaxe novice

[T]Vestax August 27 2005 9:58 PM EDT

Mega can take his pick now.

WeaponX August 27 2005 10:08 PM EDT

i'll take Vestex

[T]Vestax August 27 2005 11:46 PM EDT

It seems there is some confusion here. Both teams want me, but neither of them know how bad I am at chess.

WeaponX August 28 2005 9:44 AM EDT

ok since Vestex is telling me to pick someone else i will take Roya

[T]Vestax August 28 2005 10:05 AM EDT

Final Teams
Twistedness MegamanV
Maulaxe Undertow
Derek novice
Vestax Roya
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