Idea: CB absence auto mail (in General)

Undertow August 22 2005 2:44 PM EDT

Real easy, when you've been gone from CB for 2 weeks, CB sends you an E-mail, reminding you it still exists.

CB is like crack (in a good way) and I think just running a little CB under a players nose who might have just kinda faded away would be enough to bring them back.

After being in the game 2 weeks, if you gone for more than 2 weeks CB sends an E-mail reminding you it exists. After that, nothing.

Yes, spam, and I hate spam too. But I think it could have an impact on keeping people that might not have "meant" to leave.

Bmagnety August 22 2005 6:22 PM EDT

cb1 needs some love too

Maelstrom August 22 2005 6:38 PM EDT

Or they could be sent an email just to notify them that their account may be deleted if they don't log back in soon. That would sound a bit less like spam...

Undertow August 22 2005 7:20 PM EDT

That's a good point Maelstrom.

Although, CB1 would never get this feature. The point is to shrink it into nothingness.
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