Tank Training (in General)

Cervidius August 8 2005 10:52 PM EDT

Alright, I'm new to the game, obviously enough. I plan on making a tank out of my first minion. I'm asking for the typical training strategy for a tank. What fraction of EXP I should be giving to HP, ST, and DX. I know, for one, that if I want a tank character, I shouldn't be tossing spells into the mix.

Warchild August 8 2005 11:09 PM EDT

Well just by knowing that you should wait about spells puts you a step ahead of the game.

Generally speaking keep your HP/ST/DX about even until you decide what you ultimately want to do with your team.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] August 8 2005 11:09 PM EDT

going equal for all 3 works well

maulaxe August 8 2005 11:10 PM EDT

are you going to have only 1 minion?

Cervidius August 8 2005 11:19 PM EDT

I will probably toss a mage character in after I get my tank up there. I don't know where I'll be going after that.

So, I should just divide my EXP between the three stats? Simple enough.

maulaxe August 8 2005 11:28 PM EDT

yeah, thats probably the best plan until you get more MPR.

you might want to save up for a lesser tat, those are pretty cheap. a ToA would go well with a pure tank.

Special J August 8 2005 11:31 PM EDT

mrwuss (Tiny) Cervidius (Sir Cervidius) A Lesser Tattoo of Endurance ($8064) 11:30 PM EDT

enjoy, a ToE will be helpful until you can either ink it, or get a toa.

Cervidius August 8 2005 11:42 PM EDT

Thanks for all of your help.
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