Story time (in General)

Arorrr August 1 2005 11:31 PM EDT

I grabbed this one from one of the crabbing board:

A recreational fisherman got stop by a DNR cop with a cooler full of fish (DNR = department of natural resource). The DNR cop asked the fisherman if he has the license to fish. The fisherman told the DNR cop that they are his pets and he would take them out every day for a swim.

The DNR cop would not believe his story and asked him to demonstrate. The fisherman then pour all of the fish to the water and stood there. The DNR cop getting impatient and told the fisherman to call his fish back. The fisherman scratched his bald head and said "what fish?"

maulaxe August 1 2005 11:42 PM EDT


i love stories like that about the government. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, knowing that they are there working for us, the people...

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] August 1 2005 11:53 PM EDT

haha that's a good story

Stephen Young August 2 2005 2:32 PM EDT

Unfortunately--though it was still funny--a DNR cop's word would still hold up against the offender's word.

AngryZac August 2 2005 3:07 PM EDT

No reason to ruin the story with logic though vampire :)
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