Tattoo Rentals Again? (in General)

Stephen Young July 30 2005 2:52 PM EDT

Now that there are measures in place that ruin someone from using a super-upgraded tattoo.... Maybe we should bring back the rentals?

I mean, if someone rents-out their tattoo to the point that it is increasing their PR by far too much--and only giving them the benefit of the "Max Tattoo Level"--then I don't see why rentals are such a bad idea.

This way little tats can be grown up a little bit if needed.


chernobyl July 30 2005 3:11 PM EDT

I was just about to suggest this very thing! Doesn't the Tattoo Cap render the Tattoo Rental Restriction obsolete? (Besides, I bet there's huge money in renting out RoE)

I'd like to here a converse argument to this idea.

xDanELx July 30 2005 3:15 PM EDT

What would happen if the person who rented it has a cap of 100k and the tattoo was 200k? Would you get back a 100k tat? hehe...

chernobyl July 30 2005 3:19 PM EDT

No, you get back a tat that didn't gain levels. The max means you can equip it but it performs as though it were at the level of your cap and doesn't earn XP until the cap is higher than the tattoo level. Makes an oversize rental useless, because the excess PR from the oversize tattoo reduces rewards. But a proper-size rental could be dually beneficial for the loaner and renter IMO.
Naturally, renting out a tat runs the risk of oversizing it, so it feels to me like the tattoo cap would work as a limiter to prevent abuse.

bartjan July 30 2005 3:27 PM EDT

You, great idea. Would make a perfect noob trap...

chernobyl July 30 2005 3:34 PM EDT

How so, bartjan? Everybody gets the "max tattoo" reading so I don't see an oversize rental happening very often.
Maybe I misunderstand your comment? (I am a self-professed member of the Society for Asking Stupid Questions.)

Grant July 30 2005 3:36 PM EDT

I think tattoo rentals would be pointless, but you could get around it being a noobie trap by having it only display tattoos below your cap by default (much like the stores only show items you can afford by default).

I think it's pointless because teams designed to do well with tattoos tend to do extremely poorly without them, and teams not designed for tattoos don't get much benefit from using them.

In either case, it's coding work for little or no return.

BrandonLP July 30 2005 3:40 PM EDT

But what about those who can't afford to buy a tat, Grant? I'd love to put some of my near-base tats into rentals and see someone new get some use out of them, or even just try them out before deciding what they want to buy.

Grant July 30 2005 3:51 PM EDT

Dude, unleveled lesser tats cost less than 10K in auctions. If you can't afford that, then you can't afford rentals, either.

[Banned]Monty July 30 2005 3:56 PM EDT

PLEASE put tattoo rentals back! :(

chernobyl July 30 2005 3:58 PM EDT

Case in point, Grant - my secondary character,
The tattoo is completely optional for the strategy he uses. Renting out that tattoo while using RoE would be VERY helpful.

Counterpoint, is it too powerful to be able to do that (rent out the tat and use RoE in its place)? IMO, no, but hey =)

Grant is right, though. Some tattoos are very cheap in auctions. However, inking is expensive and it would be nice to "try before you ink". There is also the limited availability of supporter tattoos, which inflates their prices.

chernobyl July 30 2005 4:01 PM EDT

See what happens when you forget to select "HTML"....

BrandonLP July 30 2005 4:02 PM EDT

I see one tat that you could buy for a min bid of 10k, so I think that point may be a bit skewed.

But really, why spend in excess of 20k or so for each tat until you find one you like? Rent a tat for 5k for a day and you're spending a lot less.

TrueDevil [AAA] July 30 2005 4:45 PM EDT

I think this is a very good idea, because there's no ridiculous profit from renting out tattoos, except you get a little bit of extra cash. I mean now, people can actually try different tats, and strats with lower cost.

maulaxe July 30 2005 4:56 PM EDT

the tattoo rental problem was slightly fixed with the NW/PR link, now it has been most thoroughly thwacked down.

/raises fist high and exclaims:
bring back the tat rentals!

its hard to try out new strats if they involve tattoos that you don't have... rentals would be very useful.

Special J July 30 2005 5:09 PM EDT

The rental issue _was_ fixed with the max tattoo change, and being able to gouge users for those high and mighty tattoos also came to an end.

I just want it back so I can rent a 290k ToE and see if maxing helps me in any manner.

Stephen Young July 31 2005 10:30 AM EDT

Most people have mentioned that the reason they would rent a tattoo is to try out a different strat before inking. This is the MAIN reason I want this, since I'm using a supporter tattoo. I'd like to try a few equal level tattoos to see what my options are, and I'd hate the idea of being disappointed after inking and being unable to ink it back.
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