Any Digital Camera Experts out there? (in Off-topic)

Shark July 17 2005 2:21 PM EDT

A Digital SLR Camera Kit is on my need to buy list..I am moving and want to take pictures of all my orchids before I move them and watch them die a slow death..Bet you didnt know Shark had a Green thumb did you? LOL but anyway I would like to hear from you and what you own and if you are happy with it or wished you had bought something else..The cameras MP are moving up so fast a 3MP cam that sold for 300.00 a few years ago are now $99 bucks in a pawn shop and I dont want to waste my money like I usually do. :) so let me know what you got and how much you paid for it and thanks for your replies in advance

QBJohnnywas July 17 2005 2:33 PM EDT

Go to:

Sorry, putting links in never works for me! It's a post by Shade about digital cameras. He just got the latest in Canon's Powershot series. I've got a Canon Powershot A70 which I've had for about a year and a half. If their latest is as good as that one then it's worth checking out. Lots of features, high resolution and the ability to (once you've bought them of course!) add proper zoom lenses. And with the larger flashcards you can store hundreds of shots before you run out of memory. I love it - to the point that I've not used my very very loved non-digital SLR since I bought it.

maulaxe July 17 2005 3:18 PM EDT

the powershot is a good camera. We don't use ours very much, but when we do it is never a big hassle to use.

heres a review

bartjan July 17 2005 3:48 PM EDT

Please note that he's asking for a SLR camera...

maulaxe July 17 2005 3:52 PM EDT

i never claimed i was an expert : p

lol - trying to help out, but failing...

TrueDevil [AAA] July 17 2005 4:54 PM EDT

I think it really depends on your budget, if you're buying SLR cameras, you definitely want complete set and a good one, I was going to buy one but hadn't enough money yet to buy the complete set, the camera body itself, lens, and all other things necessary for SLR cost around 1500-2000 usd. (last time I checked, which is few months ago). I would recommend the Canon EOS 20D though or maybe the cheaper version, Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT / EOS 350 D. Nikon D 70 was quite good, but it's kinda old.

The powershots are good enough actually, unless you're a professional photographer. I would recommend Powershots A95 (if you can get a long life battery) or Digital Ixus 700 (7 megapixels) for the normal digital cameras.

I have tried Kodak LX series or something, Digital Ixus 40, Digital Ixus 500. They all seem pretty good, sharp pictures, etc. The print quality for Digital Ixus 40 was nice too (processed in the shop, not home print).
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