AS vs DM - The Classic Duo's Story (in General)

RareSumo [Lucid Dreams] July 17 2005 1:02 PM EDT

Just something I thought was worth posting. I'm your average DM/FB+FF EM+F clone, but I changed DM to AS, and everyone I was drawing with before, I'm now beating. I've tried beating a few new people and failed, but I can beat everyone I used to, plus the people I used to draw with. It's an improvement, and I thought it should be noted. This is also with about 200k power (in your home you see [power (effect)] and I have about 200k(100k) ..) and in the 500k score range. I'm not saying this works constantly this way, but as far as this particular range of characters go, I find myself doing better with AS, and again, I thought AS>DM would be worth posting. Please don't flame about how it only works because of the opponents I'm fighting, or whatever. I'm just saying that it has helped me extend -my- list of people I can kill.

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] July 17 2005 1:22 PM EDT

I found that having DM and AS at the same time gives a better effect than just DM as well, though I have not seen if AS alone would be better for my team than DM/AS

BrandonLP July 17 2005 1:23 PM EDT

You do realize that it might only be better for your particular strat, not overall, right?

Undertow July 17 2005 7:38 PM EDT

When you add AS:

When you go to add people to your fight list, if they had DM and you couldn't beat them before, you defnetly won't now.

The people who you used to draw against and now you beat:

The enchantments they have probably weren't really all that important. In fact, there's a good chance that most if not all of those people didn't even use Enchantments. Therefore, you don't lose anything, just gain HP.

It sounds, to me, like your DM was too small before. it wasn't shutting down most enchantments, and therefore enchantment users weren't on your list. Now that you add HP, you don't lose, you only gain.

Just my opinion though.

Mikel [Bring it] July 17 2005 8:07 PM EDT

in Defense of Sumo,
I use a high DM and high AS, and it works very well for me.
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