Carps: Natural Thwackers? (in Off-topic)

RedWolf July 16 2005 12:30 PM EDT

I have a book called "TFK Almanac", and in it are different sections of information (calendars, government, animals). In the animal section, it has "America's Most Unwanted" which is just a list of several animals that got imported into the USA, and are doing bad things. Here is an excerpt on "Carp": pay special attention to the bold print


The Mississippi River is teeming with several kinds of carp from Asia. They compete with native fish for food and threaten the fishing industry. Some leap into boats and hit boaters on the head!

Just thought this was funny and worth mentioning :-)

[Banned]Monty July 16 2005 1:09 PM EDT


[T]Vestax July 16 2005 1:23 PM EDT

Carps that know kung-fu?

JaKobi1Kenobi [Shrimp gang] July 16 2005 5:45 PM EDT

there from Asia LoL

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] July 16 2005 6:03 PM EDT

Fishing is all fun and games 'til the fish fight back.

maulaxe July 16 2005 7:32 PM EDT

well its about time. fish have been abused for ages!
way to go fish!

[T]Vestax July 16 2005 9:15 PM EDT

Run! Run to the hills I say! It's the only safe place left for us all!

Then once the hills along with our pets we will begin the long process of breeding and training ninja dogs and ninja cats, who will help us when the day comes that we fight back.

Undertow July 16 2005 11:19 PM EDT

someday I have to tell you all about my plan to create an army of Vietblackxicons.

RedWolf July 18 2005 4:30 PM EDT


Adrian Exodus July 18 2005 5:04 PM EDT

the cats could be Ninja cats but i would think the dogs better fitted to being Samurai or depending on the breeds of the dogs maybe Kshatriya or Berserks

maulaxe July 18 2005 11:23 PM EDT

you can skip the whole breeding process process and go right into taming/trainnig - all you need to do is capture the ninja monkeys, alhtough it is quite a daunting proposal. but desperate times call for desperate measures i guess...

and if you have to ask about the ninja monkeys - its already too late for you... you poor poor soul.
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