Bug Report: PR correction if off a bit. (in General)

[T]Vestax July 14 2005 3:07 PM EDT

I think I noticed this before on a larger scale and so i decided to test it. I raised the level of a tattoo along with spending xp and raised my PR. Then I unequipped my tat, and reequipped it. The bug is that the PR is now different, and when I mean different I mean it's now lower, not higher, then what it was before. Here are the numbers:

Original PR: 44,176
w/ tat off: 30,967
w/ tat on again: 44,147

I tested this again on my larger char but I got a 42 PR increase instead, but this could be accounted by a lag in PR update from the tat's levels. A better test would unequip and reequip that tattoo just after a PR update.

I think this may be from the recent fix that updates PR with tattoo advancement. Either calculations are off a bit or there is round-off error or something. In either case I shouldn't become weaker after applying the same armor to myself that I was just wearing. For people who don't unequip for a long time this may turn out to be a sizable increase in PR that should be lower.

mchaos July 14 2005 3:13 PM EDT

Tattoos normally train (level up) at regular intervals, unequipping a tattoo forces it to train, and so altered your PR when you reequipped it

[T]Vestax July 14 2005 3:16 PM EDT

Please read what I'm saying, PR went down, not up.

mchaos July 14 2005 3:19 PM EDT

yeah, sorry about that. Well now I have no explanation...

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 14 2005 3:26 PM EDT

isn't it due to your MPR allowing for higher NW?

[T]Vestax July 14 2005 3:35 PM EDT

The periodic PR correction should be exactly the same as as reequiping items since the point of the correction is to give you your actual PR at the time of calculation. This is worse then the case of PR lagging behind, instead it's leading ahead, this should be corrected.
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