rewards (in Off-topic)

maulaxe July 9 2005 3:13 AM EDT

You are awarded $708 and your Minions receive 21 exp each. Clan bonus: 9.4%.
You have $234,766. Battle allocation: 47.
For the current 6-hour block of time, battle rewards include more money and less XP than normal.
(See this FAQ for details including reward schedule.)

(price to buy BA: 251)
Purchase BA
You have purchased as much BA as you can today.

thats all I can say to that.

[T]Vestax July 9 2005 3:20 AM EDT

You are awarded $243 and your Minions receive 23 exp each. Clan bonus: 6.6%.
New user bonus: +90%
You have $6,025. Battle allocation: 32.

You may purchase up to 570 BA for $541 apiece. You have $6,025

Anit-w00t. :(

Aco July 9 2005 7:03 AM EDT

You are awarded $249 and your Minions receive 33 exp each. Clan bonus: 14.5%.
You have $4,661,604. Battle allocation: 7.

You have purchased as much BA as you can today.

Crazy Money is good for CP, eh?
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