July 7 2005 4:52 PM EDT
Ok, i need someone to pay for my monthly fee for WoW. I'd pay you about 1mil CB2$ every month, and you would pay it. I would go out and buy the game, and then give you the authentication key. You would go to and create my account, using your billing info etc. I'm only going to do this with people I trust, because I wouldn't want someone to take the key and run :P.
Special J
July 7 2005 4:56 PM EDT
Have you picked a server yet?
I have a well settled character on Mal'ganis Horde and on Cenarious(sp, can never come up with the correct spelling on this one unless I go and look it up) Alliance.
July 7 2005 5:00 PM EDT
mannoroth will be the realm I'll be in.
July 7 2005 11:07 PM EDT
doesn't anyone want a consistant source of CB2$?
July 8 2005 10:05 AM EDT
I would be willing to do this for you
July 8 2005 12:14 PM EDT
Another idea that would probably make better sense for the buyer, would be to purchase
these from Amazon. 60 day prepaid playtime cards for $27.99, which is actually cheaper then paying month by month.
Special J
July 8 2005 12:18 PM EDT
heh, save 1.99.
Does amazon ship the cards to you? If so, there went the savings.
You can get game cards at most major game retailers, gamestop is about the most wide spread in my area.
July 8 2005 12:22 PM EDT
Yeah, that includes "free shipping" which takes 5-9 business days.
On a side note, I think Amazon is actually slowing down their standard shipping on purpose in order to sucker people into signing onto their special service/shipping plan (whatever its called).
I haven't noticed any slowdown in Amazon shipping.
July 8 2005 12:37 PM EDT
My last three orders, while said to be in stock, have taken quite a few days to even ship, let alone show up.
I'm spoiled by Newegg.
Special J
July 8 2005 12:41 PM EDT
I too am spoiled by Newegg's response to getting orders processed and shipped.
If you do get it going, go to smolderthorn ( be horde ) or Crushridge ( alliance ) :D
July 12 2005 6:19 PM EDT
I'm on Malygos (Horde for the win). It is nice not having to wait in a queue to play.
July 26 2005 4:22 PM EDT
Undead rouge on Mannoroth ftw
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