the Max liquidation event (in Public Record)

AdminJonathan July 6 2005 1:26 PM EDT

Max has a lot of debts but hasn't been around, nor is he answering email. We're willing to bend CB's policy of "we're not in the property recovery business" this once because Max occupied a position of trust by virtue of his admin status.

G Beee will be in charge of paying off Max's debts from Max's current assets or Central Bank funds if necessary. (Poor Central Bank... just when he was looking forward to not getting any more negative for a while. :)

Please email GB if you would like assistance. I don't suggest using chatmail for the simple reason that it's not well-suited to longer messages.

As for evidence, obviously a PR post is preferred, but transfer log records may be considered sufficient at GB's discretion. For paypal transactions, you'll also need to send screenshots of the paypal transaction record. If you made a non-paypal external transaction, you're out of luck; sorry. If GB decides you don't have a good case, his decision is final.

Making fraudulent claims, of course, is grounds for a reset or ban. Don't waste our time and yours.

Special J July 6 2005 2:00 PM EDT

He stole my car and sank my boat, then shot my dog.

I demand a new dog.

Special J July 6 2005 2:02 PM EDT

and I hope Max is OK.

maulaxe July 6 2005 2:06 PM EDT

he was having computer trouble, but i guess there has been more than sufficient time to return to such an addicting game...

he really needs to come back, we need more cowbell!

AdminShade July 6 2005 2:18 PM EDT

ouch @ max & G for him having to do this :(

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] July 6 2005 3:17 PM EDT

That's too bad. I hope Max is ok. I loaned him a ton of cb2 and he always paid me back quick. Not like him at all.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] July 6 2005 3:22 PM EDT

Yea, i miss This doesnt sound like him at all. Hopefully he gets his comp back soon.

AdminG Beee July 6 2005 3:38 PM EDT

Like everyone else I share your concern and truly hope Max is safe and well, however, please can we keep this thread clear for dealing with the outstanding debt issue only.


AdminG Beee July 6 2005 3:57 PM EDT

Lukey entered into a deal with Max to forge DBs. The deal was paid for via paypal however it was not completed and the boots not returned.

The DBs have now been returned to Lukey.
Max (ThePickleStrikesBack) Lukey (Luke) Grace of Ayeka ($3484492) -- see /bboard..001PdU

A refund for the outstanding balance for forging not done has been sent to Lukey from Central Bank.
G Beee (Admin_Beee) Lukey (Luke) $1000000 -- see /bboard..001PdU 3:49 PM EDT.

Nixon Jibfest July 6 2005 4:07 PM EDT

I loaned Max 6M. I was actually doing the loan for Sirbubblewrap and the money was SBWs.

Original Post


Sirbubblewrap's Follow up

I made the original loan but it's ultimately Sirbubblewrap's deal.

Sukotto [lookingglas] July 6 2005 4:23 PM EDT

Max was running the Best song 2005 (new window) contest. Perhaps you can refund those people as well?

AdminG Beee July 6 2005 6:14 PM EDT

Money removed from Central Bank to cover the deal agreed on various posts (see above) between Max and Nixon / SirBubbleWrap.

G Beee (Admin_Beee) SirBubbleWrap (Delian Vault) $12853682 -- see /bboard..001PdU 6:09 PM EDT

AdminG Beee July 6 2005 6:17 PM EDT

Note: Any outstanding loans have stopped gathering interest as of today.

AdminJonathan July 6 2005 6:40 PM EDT

We're not paying interest here. Sorry for not making that clear. I've reposessed the 6.8M from SBW.

SBW July 6 2005 6:41 PM EDT

=( But Max was online until the 8th...shouldn't i get interest from there?

Special J July 6 2005 6:55 PM EDT

If Max did not have computer problems (I am sure this is what it is) then you would get the interest, but since the admins are doing something that they normaly do not do, you should simply be happy that your initial investment has been returned.

It is not like you are hurting for money SBW ;)

When/If Max returns, then explain to him in private the issues you have and perhaps he will come to the same conclusion and pay you what you feel you honestly deserve.

{CB1}Lukeyman July 6 2005 7:35 PM EDT

Thank you Jonathan and G_Beee for returning my babys(DB's) to me.

AdminG Beee July 9 2005 6:31 PM EDT

I believe everything is now covered however this thread will stay open for another few days just to make sure we've caught everything.

Sukotto, Given the the individual sum for each user is only 1k I'll not refund for the contest unless anyone specifically asks me to. Anyone who lost their 1k can CM me and ask for it back if they want to.

AdminG Beee July 11 2005 5:38 PM EDT

The following items belonged to Max and are now available for purchase via auctions. Auction will run for 5 days with all proceeds going to Central Bank to offset some of the outstanding debt.

A Mithril Chain Mail [28] (+25) 274,643
A Cloak of the Istari [6] (+12) 1,101,631
A Tattoo of Endurance lvl 163,470 2,832,682
A Lesser Tattoo of Endurance lvl 470 9,755

AdminG Beee July 16 2005 6:00 PM EDT

All items now sold via auctions from my admin character.

Net loss to Central Bank after all transactions = $3,110,000
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