Armor/PR change (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan July 1 2005 12:52 PM EDT

Armor counts 1/3 as much towards PR as it did previously.

This does not mean it counts for 1/3 as much PR; as most people know, the PR calculation wasn't linear wrt nw.

sssimmo July 1 2005 12:53 PM EDT


TheEvolution July 1 2005 12:54 PM EDT

Sweet!, wait.. I don't have armor.. ;|

Chargerz-Back July 1 2005 12:54 PM EDT

does this include tattoos also?

[Banned]Monty July 1 2005 12:55 PM EDT

Thanks Much, Jon!

AdminJonathan July 1 2005 12:55 PM EDT

this does not include tattoos

WeaponX July 1 2005 12:55 PM EDT

i knew it the minute i saw my PR fall 15k. excellent

Blarg July 1 2005 12:56 PM EDT


QBJohn Birk [Black Cheetah Bazaar] July 1 2005 12:56 PM EDT

I must also applaud this change :)

sssimmo July 1 2005 12:59 PM EDT

Sefton anything that lowers your pr would get u over the moon

{CB3}-HR22 July 1 2005 1:06 PM EDT

good change

DAWG July 1 2005 1:09 PM EDT

WOW BIG CHANGE!!! Much Thanks

AdminShade July 1 2005 1:33 PM EDT

much better for multi minion characters.

Will [Retired] July 1 2005 1:44 PM EDT

Quick! Go rent that HUGE MCM in rentals.... >.>

/Will runs off

[EG] Almuric July 1 2005 1:52 PM EDT

160K drop in PR. Wow. I can add a whole bunch of people to my fight list.


CoolWater July 1 2005 3:06 PM EDT

Nice change, nice drop.

Jason Bourne July 1 2005 4:34 PM EDT

omg!! this change is the end of the world!!! ill quit!...oh wait, i lost 20k pr :) cool!

Chocolate Thunder July 1 2005 4:45 PM EDT

Sweet, now Al can add more people to his hitlist... less Al for me!

RAMPAGE July 1 2005 7:07 PM EDT

This should get the wait back up at the Blacksmith.

Jerk July 1 2005 7:46 PM EDT

Well I think this was a good change now this will help bring life back into the rentals and auctions since now everyone won't have to worry so much about the PR hike with better gear. This should help stabilize the economy here and make gaming alot better for everyone. Good job.

Icewindvz July 1 2005 7:59 PM EDT

I don’t think black smith will be packed; remember NW in armor is not liner.
Which means our smart players will upgrade their armor to some limit then + armor will become unproductive.

I feel this change should help the market a little bit, but no much. And Tattoo will price even more because of this change. Well better then nothing I guess =).

[T]Vestax July 1 2005 11:39 PM EDT

Thanks Jon, my VB might sell for more after this.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] July 1 2005 11:46 PM EDT

Why your VB?

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] July 1 2005 11:48 PM EDT

because he hopes high AC will become more common now that it adds less PR, so VB will have increased purpose

miteke [Superheros] July 3 2005 11:15 AM EDT

"This does not mean it counts for 1/3 as much PR; as most people know, the PR calculation wasn't linear wrt nw."

Does this mean that is NW increases by 20% the PR bonus is not also increased by 20%?

Does anyone have an idea how the PR calc IS done? I'm afraid to pump another plus into my Corn until I understand it better.

[T]Vestax July 4 2005 9:26 PM EDT

I think jon was trying to say that PR doesn't increase at the same rate per million NW. Rather if you take a weapon and another 1 million NW, that PR increase will be less then the last 1 million NW increase. And so the next 1 million will also have a lesser PR gain.

This would pretty much be in line with how an armour's effectiveness increases with each additional 1 million NW added. I'm sure he's not saying that it would be better to compare the + with PR then it would to compare NW to PR, but in a round about way such a relationship exists.

miteke [Superheros] July 5 2005 8:50 AM EDT

Linear means y = ax + b. If you plot that relationship you get a line - thus linear!

so PR = 20%NW + 0

is definitely a linear relationship. If a certain amount of NW increase always raises PR by a given percentage that is linear. I think Jon know what I mean by linear and says that is NOT how it works - which is good news. Being a mathmatician, though a rusty and lazy one, I am very interested in what kind of relationship the two value have. Just multiplying the current formula by 1/3 will not change it from a linear relationship to something else though.

y = 1/3ax is still linear. It just changes the 'a' to something else.

I got a couple of data points if someone wants to help out. I got a corn of +8 and a corn of +7 and can determine NW and PR bonuses for them.

[T]Vestax July 5 2005 9:57 AM EDT

I think the people that can help us out the most would be the forgers. They get to see a weapon increase in NW in a short period all the time. We just need a few of them to equip the item at set intervals in order to get the data we would need.

AdminShade July 5 2005 9:59 AM EDT

sigh, here I go again...

the NW -> IPR graph is non linear. every additional amount of NW contributes a bit less to the added pr of the character.

These are the old graphs so the only thing that has changed now is that the IPR effect is cut in 3. making the graphs less high and less sloped.

AdminShade July 5 2005 10:07 AM EDT


amount of NW -> results in -> amount of item (armor) contributed PR
100k -> ~4000 IPR
200k -> ~7200 IPR
300k -> ~10000 IPR
1 mil -> ~23000 IPR
2 mil -> ~44000 IPR
5 mil -> ~101000 IPR

100k -> ~1333 IPR
200k -> ~2400 IPR
300k -> ~3333 IPR
1 mil -> ~7667 IPR
2 mil -> ~14667 IPR
5 mil -> ~33667 IPR
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