Get Tiffany Community (in Off-topic)

AngryZac June 30 2005 1:20 PM EDT

Just bringing this up because I've spent a day or two playing that game now, and as far as I can tell it's one of the worst communities I've come across for an online game. Many times if you join a game older players will group without rhyme or reason to "zero" the noob...just because you're a new player...yeah, great way for the new players to get greeted. Then they continually talk of how they hate noobs (this is much much different from hating a bonus that the new players get). I was just curiuos if this is just me who experienced this, or did other players have simular experiences?

Aco July 1 2005 4:25 PM EDT

what is get tiffany?

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] July 1 2005 11:54 PM EDT

No it's just you.

Sefton helped me out a lot when I started, and QB Ranger has been helping me whenever I ask questions in chat, as well as a bunch of other people.

{CB3}-HR22 July 2 2005 12:03 AM EDT

He's not talking about CB.....Its another game

Ox [StephenMelinda Gates Fund] July 2 2005 12:06 AM EDT

Ha oh okay wow, I feel really dumb now.

Kilobot571 July 2 2005 3:48 PM EDT

Ya, CB has the BEST community i have ever seen

[T]Vestax July 3 2005 3:47 PM EDT

Tiffany sounds really bad. The only thing that I know that compares is Gunbound. It's a fun game but everyone plays like an annoying noob in that game for no reason. It's a common habbit to say the name of the person who is loading or getting ready over and over and over agian. You can't tell a vet from a new player from the personality since they all act alike and you can buy the hard to get equipment with a few USD. The only difference between any of them is how well they play.

mastinox July 3 2005 4:02 PM EDT

I play GT under the same name Mastinox, the only way to get past the "noob factor", is to join a group. however, the maturity level of the players of that game DOES have something to be desired!

maulaxe July 3 2005 5:31 PM EDT

well just from the name and apparent premise of the game you should be able to guess at least one of the motivators and thus one of traits o people who join the game - the inbility to get a date in RL.

not a personal attack on anyone, nor have I actually played the game, but that is the impression that it gives IMO.
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