suggestions for BD (in Off-topic)

maulaxe June 27 2005 3:53 PM EDT

what should i do for my birthday? It's today, and I will only have a few hours to do whatever it turns out to be, after work + dinner with family. suggestions?

keep it legal plz ; )

(not quite drinking age yet, unless I go over to europe ... but I've done that already)

[Banned]Monty June 27 2005 3:55 PM EDT

are you a skater?

I went to the skatepark, it was fun :)
spend it with your G/F (if you have one) ? maybe I dunno

Undertow June 27 2005 4:07 PM EDT


maulaxe June 27 2005 4:10 PM EDT

i guess that i should also say not too expensive - skydiving would be quite much - great idea though 'tow

anyways i'll check back after I get off work

Undertow June 27 2005 4:17 PM EDT

Actually you'd be surprised, skydiving isn't that much. Well, depends on what you think of "Much".

This is for skydive Chicago, look for somewhere near you:

Skydive Chicago™ offers the best in first time tandem skydives. Tandem jumps are unsurpassed for someone wanting to experience it all in one jump. During this experience you will be harnessed to the front of a fully licensed tandem instructor. Our twin engine turbine aircraft will take you up 13,000 feet (above the ground), where you and your tandem master will exit. After falling for one minute at 120 MPH you will pull the cord and your parachute will open. After that you will enjoy 5-7 minutes of breathtaking views of the earth as you descend safely to the ground. Your first tandem jump includes:

• One hour instructional class, learning basic freefall and canopy skills
• One Jump harnessed with a professional Tandem Jumpmaster
• Approximately one minute of freefall from 13,000 feet!
• A peaceful 5 minute canopy descent from 5,000 feet
• A First Jump Certificate, Logbook and Discount Coupons
• An option to have your jump video taped at an additional cost

Weekend $189
Weekday $179

If that's still too expensive (especially for a bunch of people) go see George Ramero's Land of the Dead! The movie was great.

or batman begins

or Crash

Maelstrom June 27 2005 8:55 PM EDT

Sit at home all day and night playing CB.

If you haven't started thinking like that yet, then get out of this game while you still can! ;)

BrandonLP June 27 2005 9:25 PM EDT

I haven't yet found a girlfriend I could stand being "harnessed" to for five minutes, let alone an instructor. ;)

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] June 27 2005 9:27 PM EDT

Minigolf. Streak. Go see the Star Wars movie -- be obnoxious.

Undertow June 27 2005 9:42 PM EDT

For once, I agree with Bast, be obnoxious.

Remember, people get payed to put up with bull poop. That, and if you tip good a waiter doesn't care how much of an uproar you make.

That comes from going to the same Denny's a tipping well for 5 years.

maulaxe June 28 2005 12:26 AM EDT

ok thanks for all the ideas. I think right now i'll just call random people until I find people who want to do stuff, and probably go see a movie.

maybe i'll just have to celebrate again later - I can't go wrong with two birthdays instead of one!

Maelstrom June 28 2005 1:09 AM EDT

yup, calling random people asking them if they want to do stuff (aka telemarketing) is certainly a method of being obnoxious ;)

maulaxe June 28 2005 5:28 AM EDT

ok so i ended up not going anywhere, but now i am faced with a hard decision - should I take up music, or not?
I am looking at getting a theremin. they sound super cool... (plus i got to play one for a short period of time when i went to the museum of radio here in town - I'm hooked now)

But I'm afraid that if i do get one, I will end up being lazy and never actually put any effort into it - any suggestions on what to do/not to do when learning to play an instrument? I don't expect that I'll be able to get lessons, but I'm hoping that will will be part of the fun.

ps: if you are wondering what in tarnation a theremin is, here is some samples of how they can sound:

Maelstrom June 28 2005 7:58 AM EDT

lol, Peter Pringle has some really impressive theremin music - I've reviewed a full CD by him. Keep in mind, however, that he's classically trained, and has been doing music since at least the 50's. And as he says on his site: "Most thereminists agree that the theremin should never be anyone's first instrument. My first instrument was the piano. "

I know several people who got themselves theremins, thinking they could make cool "music" with them, but they now mainly use it as a toy, or for weird little noises along with other music.

If you're hoping to sound like Pringle right away, then don't bother. You have to start off slow - this applies for any instrument. But still, a theremin would be a fun instrument to play with, to just see what kind of sounds you can make with.

maulaxe June 28 2005 12:57 PM EDT

i realize that, and I don't plan on trying to get that good unless i'm still at it 20 years from now - but it would certainly be an excellent conversation starter.

and lol maybe i could start a band with a few other people who have never played an instrument before. it could be theremin, triangle, and kazoo. and probably some cowbell would be in order ; )
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