Change month has already begun? (in General)

{CB1}-Mokaba June 26 2005 3:41 PM EDT

Maybe it is me but I've noticed a few changes this morning. I'm wondering if the US came closer to the UK. A new Tsunami perhaps? Because overnight we have lost 4 hours. The difference with the server and the UK time is now 5 hours. And a day before it was 9 hours. I'm wondering if this is a blessing or a curse for the people in Europe.....?

The next thing that I have noticed is that my TOJ Familiar attached to the first Minion is now fighting first place. Until yesterday it was always fighting at the second place. That at least is a good change.

Where there more changes overnight that I have missed?

Please let me know. :)

AdminShade June 26 2005 4:37 PM EDT

The next thing that I have noticed is that my TOJ Familiar attached to the first Minion is now fighting first place. Until yesterday it was always fighting at the second place. That at least is a good change.

the ToJ Familiar always fights before the minion it is equipped on when that minion has FB trained... so perhaps until yesterday you didnt have Fireball?

{CB1}-Mokaba June 26 2005 5:03 PM EDT

I didn't know that Shade. Yes, I did put Fireball on the first Minion. Learned something more. Thanks :) We still have the mystery of the changed server time. Does anyone know something about it?

moser June 26 2005 5:05 PM EDT

Server time is EST isn't it? That is 5 hours before GMT right now I believe.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] June 26 2005 5:11 PM EDT

Cache flush, or something approximating it?, happened at midnight server time last night. We lost our clan bonuses 4 hrs. early.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] June 26 2005 5:19 PM EDT

The furthest I have seen is a 6 hour difference which was before DST, 5 hours is what it should be at, maybe your timepiece was wrong at the time of a 9 hour difference?

{CB1}-Mokaba June 26 2005 5:33 PM EDT

No I wasn't. The new week in the UK always started at 9 o'clock on Monday morning. As it is now the new week will start at 5 o'clock. That is a difference of 4 hours. Bast is right we lost 4 hours last night.

BrandonLP June 26 2005 5:37 PM EDT

Jon could've just moved the cache flush.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] June 26 2005 5:41 PM EDT

There is precedent.

AdminG Beee June 26 2005 6:10 PM EDT

Everyone knows the world revolves around Scotland.

It's time the CB clock was changed to GMT anyway, perhaps Jon is just working towards it slowly and doesn't want to give us huge jet-lag all in one go. :)

maulaxe June 27 2005 1:22 AM EDT

as if CB didn't already steal too many hours out of our lives... this is just what we needed.

bartjan June 27 2005 3:23 AM EDT

I don't notice any difference for the server time, except for a periodical increase (roughly once every second).

And, cache flush still hasn't happened today, as my play-by-play still is set to on. For the same reason, clan points also don't work.

{CB1}-Mokaba June 27 2005 4:32 AM EDT

Well, I don't know what really happend It seems normal again on this monday. But it wasn't on Sunday morning. If the new week starts at Monday morning 9.00 a.m., UK time then the old week should end on Sunday morning 9.00 a.m., but it didn't. By 8.00 a.m. when I came on the week did already ended. We couldn't put any BA anymore in the game and a week before we could! So, I don't know. it will be interesting to see what happens next weekend. :)
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