Reading skills (in General)

bartjan June 23 2005 12:08 PM EDT

Terms of Use

Privacy policy

  • I have read and agree to the terms of use

I agree to the terms of use
I don't agree to the terms of use

How many of you did click 'I agree' without reading it? It lists only 5 terms of use you have to follow. That can't be that hard, right?

AdminShade June 23 2005 12:36 PM EDT

Read before clicking :)

Aco June 23 2005 12:38 PM EDT

i don't agree takes me to google :'(

maulaxe June 23 2005 12:50 PM EDT

at least it doesn't include one of those "can change at any time without warning" clauses

and what wrong with google? thats how I found CB : )

Maelstrom June 23 2005 12:54 PM EDT

what's the purpose of this post?

bartjan June 23 2005 1:17 PM EDT

The purpose of this post is to find out why people keep on creating new accounts, when they clearly agree *not* to create multiple accounts. Also, they always act surprised when later on told that it's not allowed...

This is the first page you get when you (attempt to) create a new account.

QBJohnnywas June 23 2005 1:25 PM EDT

Maybe it needs a system chatmail when you start as a reminder? But it is fairly obvious from the start what the rules are. And if not you only have to see a few 'multi' forum posts. It's not like you can't see what's allowed and what's not.

Relic June 23 2005 1:26 PM EDT

Who actually reads the terms of use of any site??

LumpBot June 23 2005 1:28 PM EDT

You kidding Glory? I read them for fun. half the time I don't even sign up, I just enjoy the long monotonous wording about how they own my soul.

Maelstrom June 23 2005 1:31 PM EDT

You think people make multi accounts because they don't know it's against the rules? I believe most people just assume they can get away with it.

spydah June 24 2005 9:38 PM EDT


"You understand that any account on Carnage Blender may be modified or deleted at any time for any or no reason. " = this is a beta, and things will change always.


CoolWater June 24 2005 9:47 PM EDT

Point #4 You agree not to share access to the CB account you use.
And yet people merge accounts into one and shared the account. Especially in CB1.

Undertow June 24 2005 10:10 PM EDT

Coolwater, no one has been able to do that in CB2, trust me I tried. (Gooey Tows) And I've violated 4 in the past by having other people run my ba "because I was too busy playing Diablo 2." or something. That got confessed to Di when I realized it was wrong.

I'm sure I read them when I signed up. Most of it's obvious stuff. But CB has a much better adminastration than other games. They really WILL catch you.

maulaxe June 25 2005 1:15 AM EDT

what i meant was that is does not say that the terms of the agreement will change. I caught the part about the accounts not being ours though.

"[Jonathan Ellis] reserves the right to change the terms, conditions, and notices under which it offers [CB], including any charges associated with the use of [CB]. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these terms, conditions and notices, and any additional terms posted on any [CB] Web Site. Your continued use of [CB] after the effective date of such changes constitutes your acceptance of and agreement to such changes."

scary, no?
... sounds like a change month to me : p

InebriatedArsonist June 25 2005 1:22 AM EDT

Make a short quiz part of the tutorial!

Maelstrom June 25 2005 1:28 AM EDT

That's not a bad idea IA! Make it into a minigame for the kids ;)

5583 days old {Gaza} June 25 2005 3:59 AM EDT

I vaguely recall reading them...

Manta June 25 2005 4:33 AM EDT


On CB1, two people can cooperatively use one account so long as that one account is the only one that either person uses. As RAMPAGE said, this is just what Spydah and Todd did.

Note that this is not permitted on CB2.

--Sir[EG]The Saint

An account question.

Xiaz on Hiatus June 25 2005 4:45 AM EDT

I want a lawyer!

[Banned]Monty June 25 2005 4:46 AM EDT

I'm with Glory I never read the terms of use, but I know from forums that Un-PG and multiple accounts are baahaaaad =O lol, I don't have the patience to read through that stuff

Phaete June 25 2005 6:02 AM EDT


Feigning ignorance is easy if the responsibility is too heavy to carry.
Another vice easily misinterpreted as a virtue.

I blame society :P

AdminShade June 25 2005 6:37 AM EDT

Maelstrom, 1:28 AM EDT
That's not a bad idea IA! Make it into a minigame for the kids ;)

for the kids? and what about the grown ups, don't they have to read those rules?

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] June 25 2005 7:23 AM EDT

I never read the terms once but with the ability to have multiple characters and buying ba, what is the point of another account? CB takes up enough time from my busy schedule as it is, another account would be silly.
Also I would have thought that most people bring some intellect from other games they play which have a "single account only" rule, which is most online games now.

Todd June 25 2005 7:37 AM EDT

I've never read them, paid attention to them, etc.

As far as I know, there is a Google truck on it's way to pick up my firstborn.

Just click "I agree" and get on with it.. Anyone who thinks the majority reads that crap is a bit out of touch. Sure, they are accountable when they click "I agree" , but just don't be amazed when people are clueless to the rules. They pick up the real workings and rules by playing, and reading through help/FAQs if they are so inspired.

Maelstrom June 25 2005 11:41 AM EDT

Shade: figure of speech. People who break well-known rules deserve to be treated as children.

RedWolf June 25 2005 11:04 PM EDT

* RedWolf read the terms of use and follows the rules

Honestly, I don't read the novel that comes with most CD-ROM computer games, but thats beside the point.

I did read those few words when i signed up ;-).
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