What is the point of the ToJ? (in General)

joesmut June 18 2005 7:36 PM EDT

I have a fairly large ToJ on loan and Im trying to see what the point of it is. All i can see is that it boost my character. Which is pointless from what i can see. my minions will be extremely week at my new level. so what is the point of the ToJ?

moser June 18 2005 7:38 PM EDT

The ToJ summons a UC minion. So you can have up to 5 minions on your team and a really large ToJ wall can be great at lower and mid levels.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 18 2005 7:42 PM EDT

if you find a way to enhance the ToJ with your strat it can be extremely effective in defense, and minimal offense.

[Redneck RV] Truc June 18 2005 7:50 PM EDT

I use mine as a third meat shield. If he happens to make it to melee...BONUS!!

joesmut June 18 2005 7:54 PM EDT

i remember when you could rent ToJ's. Im just trying to understand why its useful if you will only have it for a short period of time. This is also coming from a low level character.

Undertow June 18 2005 7:55 PM EDT

It isn't. Get a tattoo close to your level. Recent changes have made it so that having equipment much larger than you should hinders, not helps.

joesmut June 18 2005 7:58 PM EDT

if i did have one closer to my level what should i see happen?

Undertow June 18 2005 9:56 PM EDT

You would have, in the battle logs only, a second minion. That minion is appears in front of your character, and uses UC and evasion. He has no ranged weapon, so he will not do much other than get hit in ranged combat. He will be called "__(Your characters name here)__'s familiar.

AdminShade June 19 2005 10:23 AM EDT

a Tattoo of Jigorokano is treated as an extra minion in combat.

when equipping it the familiar will fight for you against the other characters.

the strength of that familiar depends on the level of the tattoo.

the higher the level of the tattoo in regards to the minion pr of your character the more imbalance you will have. (in other words a lvl 100k ToJ doesn't fit a 1k mpr character but would fit a 100k mpr character much better)

the actual point of the ToJ can be very different from strategy to strategy:

1: it could be a meat shield, making it block damage taken that your own minions would otherwise have gotten
2: it could be your best damage dealing 'minion' the UC from the ToJ familiar is quite high and does very good damage in melee.
3: it could be fit into a strategy using a tank (or more) doing additional damage, perhaps even in combination with GS for more ST of the familiar and the tank.

and perhaps some more uses that i cannot think of that quick

hope if i helped


reallystupididiot June 19 2005 2:37 PM EDT

When you have one too powerful on like you do now your fight rewards will drop tremendously.

bartjan June 19 2005 4:01 PM EDT

Then you are fighting too low ;)
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