Name change suggestion (in General)

QBRanger June 7 2005 3:31 PM EDT

With the recent name changes to the Tattoo of Ice, etc..

How about a change from Tattoo of Jigorokano to a Jigorokano familiar, keeping with the line of naming familiars vs tattoos.

Anyone agree, disagree?

[Jedi] Danludar June 7 2005 3:32 PM EDT

I Agree Fully it was my suggestion in chat anyways so

Sukotto [lookingglas] June 7 2005 5:34 PM EDT

I want a Ninja familiar

Jason Bourne June 8 2005 12:09 AM EDT

A Ninja familiar.

now that would be a sweet name...i fully agree with that one.

might have to be a different tattoo altogether though, cause ninjas can throw shiurikens/knives in ranged....

maulaxe June 8 2005 12:35 AM EDT

...but they are cool enough to not need to.

{CB3}-HR22 June 8 2005 11:27 AM EDT


Nameless evil June 8 2005 3:55 PM EDT

Ninja familiar sounds suit for UC minions. What is Jigorokano? And how about the other tatto? (ToE, ToA)

AdminShade June 8 2005 5:52 PM EDT


Endurance and Augmentation both hint to the abililties of the tattoo.

imo the Jigorokano should stay Jigorokano.

but the jig IS a familiar and not a tattoo

so if there would be a change (a correcting) in name then make it a Jigorokano Familiar (ninja familiar sounds bit too obvious to me)

[EG] Almuric June 8 2005 8:23 PM EDT

He could become the 'UC familiar' or 'Unarmed Combat Familiar' or 'Judokan Familiar' or just 'Judo Familiar' or perhaps 'Ninjitsu Familiar', which gives it the flavor of 'ninja' without the 13-year-old fanboy connotations.
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