Went camping, still did find any rares. ;) (in Off-topic)

BooDiggens June 6 2005 2:09 PM EDT

Some pictures of the place I was camping this last weekend. It was awesome.

Oh and if you need a good way to break the ice with the cute girls in the campsite next to yours, here's a good way: Go and ask them if they have a matches. When they say yes, and ask why, tell them you have a tick on your back side (yes, the embarrassing part of your back side) . Then have them burn out the tick with their matches. Then invite them over for s'mores later. BTW I'm going to get a test for Lyme disease tomorrow. :P

Maelstrom June 6 2005 2:56 PM EDT

How charming... :p

[EG] Almuric June 6 2005 3:22 PM EDT

If this is your method for picking up the ladies, one would think that the ticks you used would have been certified to not be disease-carriers. Maybe next time, instead of getting the K-mart blue-light-special "10 ticks for a dollar", you'll go get yourself some pricier, cleaner ticks.

Just saying.

(Note that I'm denigrating his method of picking up chicks. Anything that works is, by definition, good. There's just some details he's gotta work out a little better ahead of time.)


LumpBot June 6 2005 3:25 PM EDT

I went camping once and went to open a door for a pretty young girl. Turned out it was a push door and I accidentally hit her in the face with it =X But hey, we got talking and became good friends!

maulaxe June 8 2005 12:54 AM EDT

i'd never thought of that... wow!
so you says that the way to pick up chicks is to start with picking up other things, like say, firewood? and then moving on closer, towards ticks... then going in for the kill?

letter by letter. thats pretty ingenious!

Mistress Reyna June 8 2005 3:02 AM EDT

well, last time i went camping i met one of my x's, i was swimming and he took off with my clothes... need less to say his camping exp was changed when a 17 year old wearing only her bottoms procedded to beat him sensless with a large stick, he was cute.. joined the military.. something about wanting to see the world... pretty sure he got shot though
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