Computer problems, see inside (in Off-topic)

Kilobot571 June 3 2005 7:54 PM EDT

My computer is having major problems. WE have these programs that have been downloaded onto my computer from and They are constantly downloading pop ups onto my comp. There are also popups that say at the bottom "This popup is not sponsored by or related to any websites taht you have recently visited" I have Verizon Online with DSL. Im also not able to get my homepage up or anything related to the internet to work. I had AOL and Netzero before and a dial-up screen appears when i try to go online using Verizon. Any help will be greatly appreciated since i may end up trashing this one.

InebriatedArsonist June 3 2005 8:00 PM EDT

Netbux, eh? I'm shocked, just shocked.

The best course of action might be to wipe the drive and start clean. If that's not an option, at the very least download a few of the more popular spyware programs like Ad-Aware and Spybot. Looking through your registry for suspicious entries might not be a bad idea, either.

BrandonLP June 3 2005 8:02 PM EDT

Registry hunting can be fun, but potentially dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. Like IA, I recommend any spyware cleaner and have had much luck with Microsoft's product lately.

maulaxe June 3 2005 8:11 PM EDT

when you start up, open the task list and watch what starts up when you try and go online. make note of the names of suspicious things, then probably restart and without trying to go online search your computer for those files, and see what directories and other files you can expunge. show no mercy.

also, try and get someone else to burn you a cd with the download of adaware, as it sounds like you might have trouble getting it with that computer... until you can clean things up it's probably better just to disconnect your cable.

Kilobot571 June 3 2005 9:22 PM EDT

I have re-installed Verizon and have access to the internet, now down with WebNexus and Buddy. Ill start up and see what processes come up and go registry hunting and i personally now what not to delete.

Special J June 3 2005 10:02 PM EDT

Stay out of the reg and get adaware, it will fix reg errors from malware.

AdminJonathan June 3 2005 10:37 PM EDT

first make sure you have a firewall up, or it won't be long until it's back even if you manage to clean up what you have now.

Aco June 4 2005 11:53 AM EDT

a format c: a day, keeps the spyware away

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] June 4 2005 1:25 PM EDT

I'm formatting my computer tonight, 5 GB's free out of 80 GB's is kind of cutting it close...=P
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