Very strange bug while playing CB at school (in General)

Odysseus June 2 2005 9:38 AM EDT

Hey, I discovered a very strange bug when I played CB at school today. One of my mates wanted to try CB2, so he logged in on the comp next to mine ( I was playing CB btw). He entered his email and password and agreed with the terms of use. Then my (!) homepage appeared on his comp, while I was playing on my own acoount. The tutorial screen said: You discovered a bug. He even could assign my items :S.
I thought it was a good idea to report it, and I hope someone has an explanation for this.

Wasp June 2 2005 1:05 PM EDT

Might be due to the schools network. All IP address' will be the same so it might work like that or something. I'll have to be careful when im at college :X

Special J June 2 2005 1:42 PM EDT

They might have one giant cache that caches all requested pages to save bandwidth for the school.

You know, it is like a mini-AOL.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] June 2 2005 1:56 PM EDT

This is simple, you are on the same network so if you are logged in or have saved your e-mail and pass then anyone else will get into your account.
I wouldn't suggest using the remember feature on a school network at all unless you want your account to lose any credibility.

maulaxe June 2 2005 2:48 PM EDT

thats rather strange, as most networks wrth their salt will have many IPs that get randomly assigned. though it could be like mrwuss said... try asking one of the technology teachers (or whatever they call them where you are)

Special J June 2 2005 2:49 PM EDT

The remember feature sets a cookie on that machine.

Not sure how CB2 validates the cookie.

Odysseus June 3 2005 2:08 AM EDT

I already thought there was something with the Network. It was very strange, because the tutorial screen said: you discovered a bug :S Thnx for the replies anyway.
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