THE END IS NEAR...? (or "whats up with the economy") (in General)

maulaxe June 1 2005 1:28 PM EDT

"A member of Carnage Blender 2 since February 21, 2005."
thats me.

when i started, you had to get cabs and leathers in auctions (i didn't know about camping back then), and a halberd was a lucky find in the store.
now its not worth it to buy those pesky THFs (that are so hard to get rid of now). what is the world coming to????

what is happening? are we getting a smaller influx of noobs? does the economy go through cycles like this? deflation/inflation rampant?

will i ever be able to camp for cabs? nostalgia... *sigh*

Will [Retired] June 1 2005 1:31 PM EDT

heh, I remember back in the day being really pleased about finding a pair of LBs or a Cab there. lol

AdminJonathan June 1 2005 1:31 PM EDT

among other things, the spawn rate of low-end armor was doubled to discourage exactly what you describe

maulaxe June 1 2005 1:35 PM EDT

that does explain things a lot... wow, a straight answer! thanks!

I guess my nostalgia is destined to remain forever just that - a memory that get better with age.

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] June 1 2005 2:17 PM EDT

to add on to other answers, players have advanced, and those items are becoming low end to almost everyone.

{CB1}-Mokaba June 1 2005 4:56 PM EDT

Almost everything in here is low end :P
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