hard time choosing skill. (in General)

zeaderan June 1 2005 6:24 AM EDT

i'm having a hard time choosing a defence thingy skill. i've only been playing a few days and although the skills have brief descriptions i dont really know what the benifits or disadvantages of any of them. i've already lost a whole bunch of exp from unlearning things a million times.

if someone could give me some advise on skills or just anything that you happen to notice about my character(s) that would be great.


trigun June 1 2005 6:54 AM EDT

dont worry..your still in the early phase of the game..i recommend looking at other people's starts and making a variation of your own..what i did was just earn exp and not learn any skill yet at the start..then once ive read enough and seen how the strategies work..i learn the skills i want..the first step is deciding whether you the like to be a str/dex guy..or a mage kinda dude..or a bit of both..each of which has a disadvantage and advantage against the other..hehe sorry if im to vague..hope it helps..^_^

Vazz June 1 2005 7:13 AM EDT

trigun, how many exp you had until you felt enough to train?

zeaderan, have you talk to your mentor for advice? I also lost so much exp for unlearning even after hire new minion for 53k. I feel still in hard time too... Btw, why do you choose BL while you equipped with bows? You can be killed at the first three rounds.

trigun June 1 2005 7:19 AM EDT

i was just fighting and fighting while i was deciding..but i ended up with like 5-6k which is min. DM and most skills..^_^

zeaderan..try to focus on basis stats first like dex/str before VA and other stuff..^_^

Vazz June 1 2005 7:36 AM EDT

trigun, one of my minion has 32k untrained exp at 10k mpr

One more zeaderan, you need higher AC, try to avoid penalty both dx and magic. Your berserk has magic and need dx too.

Manson June 1 2005 7:51 AM EDT

Well, bloodlust and archery are for different parts of a fight. Bloodlust allows massive damage during melee while archery allows up to 40% more damage during ranged when using a bow.

zeaderan, think you should try to keep your HP, str and dex about equal. Try equipping more armour to increase your AC. Armour that does not penalise you should be your top choice. You should be fine.

maulaxe June 1 2005 7:52 AM EDT

i loaned a lesser ToE, hope its not too big for you (NW about 90k :( )

that lesser ice familiar does not go well with a tank, because it will be in front and thus get killed first most of the time. you were wasting it's potential...

anyways try the lToE on your tank char and see how that works. whatever you end up using, remember that it is always essential to stay focused, don't try and beat everyone - it's not gonna happen.

rock, paper, scissors. there is no perfect strat.

trigun June 1 2005 7:55 AM EDT

vazz..and what have u decided on learning?^_^

yes..try to buys leathers as armor..as far as strategy goes..u look fine to me..except for VA..to early at this stage..otherwise..a well balanced team..^_^

bartjan June 1 2005 12:11 PM EDT

Also consider "no skill" as an option...

Each skill, spell or stat you train means less XP available to other (maybe more important) stats. So only pick those that are important to your strategy, and make those good.

Vazz June 1 2005 1:16 PM EDT

zeaderan, your berserk now has a katana, and a Lesser Tattoo of Endurance. You decided to become a tank... You can try ToA, it's nice for a tank, but I have no clue which tattoo is better. One more thing, your AC is still need more upgrades.

trigun, none, I'll wait until about 100k, and then jump.

Sukotto [lookingglas] June 1 2005 2:24 PM EDT

Advanced players generally agree that low level characters do not need armour (except for tattoos).

maulaxe June 1 2005 2:30 PM EDT

but now that base items are "free" in terms of PR growth, why not? if it wins you even a few more battles, you can make up the cost real easy (they are BASE after all)

or maybe i just shudder to think of all those minions running around naked hacking each other to pieces and blasting each other to smithereens with giant fireballs... and besides, cloaks are just plain cool.
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