Quick HP question. (in General)

sssimmo June 1 2005 4:16 AM EDT

does anyone know whether ToJ familiar has more or less HP than a stee/fire/icel familiar at same level?
I am guessing that DD familiars would have more due to the fact they are only training XP 2 things.

maulaxe June 1 2005 4:23 AM EDT

Check this thread.
if you look further down, the amount was increased to 20%

as to your ACTUAL question, i don't know about ToJs... sorry : p
but that should tell you what the HP for DD familiars should ba at any given level, so all you need is the ToJ data.

AdminShade June 1 2005 5:56 AM EDT

ToJ of same level as Fire/Ice/Steel Familiar has more HP
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