Need critic on site PLZ, (in Off-topic)

Mistress Reyna May 29 2005 1:39 PM EDT

i have a freind who's trying to open a onlin pagan store thingy would you be so kind to check it out and see what ya think all suggestions will be forwarded to her. thanks

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] May 29 2005 1:52 PM EDT

Quote from a recent visitor: "The sparkle hurts my eyes."

Also, hard to tell how effective the shopping is since most of the links just say "under construction".

Love the bumper stickers, though!

Mistress Reyna May 29 2005 1:55 PM EDT

she still making it, i just wantewd some feedback to help her keep it goin, so the sparkle is a problem ... will tell her anything else?! this is your chance to tear apart a site and help rebuild it with suggestions

{CB1}Lukeyman May 29 2005 1:56 PM EDT

imo, it seems to "kiddish" if you know what I mean, to be taken seriously.
Liek with that pic, and the music and sparkles, but some people might like it, i dunno.

Max May 29 2005 1:57 PM EDT

Remove the java script that disables right clicking. If I really wanted the sparkly code with midi sound track I could just click on View>Source.

bartjan May 29 2005 2:00 PM EDT is what I always use when checking a web site.

Mistress Reyna May 29 2005 2:00 PM EDT

what would removing the right click do?

Max May 29 2005 2:05 PM EDT

Right now I can't use my auto scroll button on my .99 cent mouse. When I try and right click it says something about not taking the code. Well, that's useless because I can just click on view>source code. I doubt people are after your images or source code. Just a minor peeve.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] May 29 2005 2:07 PM EDT

Right now every time I want to go "back", with a right click, it warns me against stealing the 'toon pics and sparkley stuff. I agree, that's annoying.

The shopping is by e-mail? There's no actual "add to cart"? Is that secure?

Maelstrom May 29 2005 2:09 PM EDT

Personally, I avoid any site with music that cannot be turned off. I find the sparkles pointless and, as Lukey said, childish. And I can't stand the fade-in animations between pages - they add nothing, and slow down the loading of pages.

Also, the links at the bottom of the pages are not consistently ordered - they should be in the same order on each page, for instance: Back, Mail, Home, Next.

That said, the actual content of the page looks fine.

Special J May 29 2005 2:20 PM EDT

Remove the sound, remove the page transitions, remove the sparkle.

xDanELx May 29 2005 2:36 PM EDT

Regarding the stealing of pics, I already have a copy. =) Just trying to make a point that right click -> save is not the only way to get a picture.

maulaxe May 29 2005 5:27 PM EDT

about the not being able to left click - firefox allowed me to do it anyways. i was able to save the entire web page. so yeah, it's pretty much useless.

and i don't think I would ever buy anything online with store looking like that. it does not inspire confidence in any way shape or form. but i guess you can use magic to find out if it is safe : p

Maelstrom May 29 2005 6:45 PM EDT

you could always just take a screenshot to get the images, too...

{CB3}-HR22 May 31 2005 1:22 PM EDT

annoying music :o)
doesnt look legit, has there been any sales?

Sukotto [lookingglas] May 31 2005 2:16 PM EDT

This site doesn't look very professional.

To begin with, lose the music, the anti-theft javascript, the animated sparkles, and the grainy graphics. Think long and hard if that flying girl really represents the image you want to give to your clients. (Most Pagans I've met dislike the whole "witch on a broomstick" image. Also, the stream of stars from her wand have an unfortunate placement.) Perhaps it's worth the $25 to get a professional logo made at a place like GotLogos?

The site should reflect what you have, not what you plan to have someday.

The html markup has a few problems (broken body tag, for example) and is unnecessarily complicated. At the very least you should use a validation tool like and keep fixing the page until the validator stops complaining.

How do you plan to handle payment, customer information, shipping, etc.? Would you be better off using an online shopping service like Yahoo small business?

I admire your friend's desire to start her own small business and wish her all the best. Please don't take my comments as an attack on her site.

Mistress Reyna May 31 2005 3:25 PM EDT

very cool this is what i wanted!!!!
sending a copy to her!!! see what she does thanks guys!!!!

chernobyl May 31 2005 5:02 PM EDT

Text: Cursive is VERY BAD - not everybody can read it. Use another font.
Layout: Keep all the content in one place, and all the navigation in another; switching around is bad for the reader.
Product Lists: need more uniformity; every page is different so finding product information requires the extra glance around. The jewelry page had a pretty good layout; perhaps adding table columns would make information more accessible.
Sparkles: Good on logos, bad on links.
Colors: Superb. Contrast is not too high, not too low.
No shopping cart yet, but even if orders have to be placed over the phone there should be a shopping cart feature so users can easily assemble an order.
A successful website usually requires personal interactive features, i.e. a feature that responds personally to the user, such as a shopping cart or a product search. I don't think you can create either of those easily with PageBuilder so you may want to consider the added investment of finding a geek friend that owes you a favor.
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