blacksmith/auctions (in General)

maulaxe May 27 2005 9:28 PM EDT

what happens when an auction ends but the item being auctioned is at the blacksmiths?

could someone with an auction ending soon test this?

[Banned]Monty May 27 2005 9:36 PM EDT

if you're selling the item why upgrade it more?

maulaxe May 27 2005 10:21 PM EDT

i was just curious as to whether it is some sort of bug, or has that possibility already been accounted for.

maybe if you really like the person with the highest bid?

Maelstrom May 27 2005 10:25 PM EDT

is it even possible to blacksmith an item that is currently being auctioned?

maulaxe May 27 2005 10:30 PM EDT

yes. thats what got me wondering.

since you can only sart auctions that last at least four hours, and i wont be awake in four hours, could someone with aa current auction test this?

[Banned]Monty May 27 2005 10:39 PM EDT

ill put a sling in auction

and upgrade it

[Banned]Monty May 27 2005 10:40 PM EDT

lol nvm :P
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