Enquiring minds want to know 3 things. (in General)

Max May 27 2005 3:39 PM EDT


There are a few items regarding Jonathan that can be found spread out on various fan sites, including CB itself. However, I know that there are many things we would like to know about CB/Jonathan but never asked. Post your question that you have wondered since you started playing CB1 or CB2. I'm not saying they will be answered should we as a community decide 3 questions to ask Jonathan but it doesn't hurt to bounce them around. I wouldn't blame him for not answering. (I've seen what happens to paparazzi when facing celebrities so I am not interested in being the camera man taking snapshots, if you know what I mean) Anyway, I thought it would be a fun little post.

Also, post any 3rd party pieces of information should you feel the need to do so. Before you post your question look under FAQs. If you ask something already posted all the other kids will make fun of you. :P

Special J May 27 2005 4:03 PM EDT

Again, I can not help myself for obvious reasons.

Dear Jonathan,

I would like to know how much wood could a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

[Banned]Monty May 27 2005 4:05 PM EDT

LoL is that your comment on everytihng? lol bah.

if peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers how many pickled peppers did peter piper pick?

Max May 27 2005 4:06 PM EDT

Please, remit idiot tax to Central Bank, thanks.

Special J May 27 2005 4:10 PM EDT

What is idiot tax running these days?

Realistic question;

What kind, if any, of enjoyment do you personally get from the CB community.

Follow up;

Does this enjoyment out weigh the frustration and stress from issues that arrise and the annoying whines from those who think CB is personally coded for their enjoyment?

Frod May 27 2005 4:12 PM EDT

What are the best, worst, and most surprising emergent behaviors you've discovered since you first launched CB?

maulaxe May 27 2005 4:55 PM EDT

is CB all that you hoped for, and more?

speaking of, what were you hoping for?

AdminG Beee May 27 2005 5:25 PM EDT

If you could do something illegal and get away with it, what would it be ?

Special J May 27 2005 6:56 PM EDT

Filling the store I run with every ounce of stupid I can cram in it, then blowing it up, followed by a bulldozer..... -day dream-

Oh you didn't mean me.

Undertow May 28 2005 1:49 AM EDT

Do you ever feel that you lose touch with the fact that the people that play your game are human?

Mags May 28 2005 1:53 AM EDT

Are you really foolish enough to believe these are thinking, reasoning humans playing your game(and devising these "strategies")?

Vagabond May 28 2005 1:58 AM EDT

1. Do you have a head?
2. Where are you employed?
3. Has Carnage Blender fulfilled your goals since the original creation of CB1?
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