we need pants and belts (in General)

[-war-] May 26 2005 6:55 AM EDT

yup we need pants and belts, if we get those into cb2, well atleast the pant part will make this game probably one of the very few games or maybe the first game ever to have pants in a game lol. As far as belt part goes, most games have them, so why doesn't this one.

Starseed^Lure May 26 2005 9:38 AM EDT

Bah! I was happily oblivious! Now all I can think about is the naked butts of my minions running into battle >:(

......Eh, I suppose that pants don't exist *because* belts don't exist ;)

Nixon Jibfest May 26 2005 9:43 AM EDT

Batbelt fully equipped with shark repellent is a great idea.

sssimmo May 26 2005 9:55 AM EDT

Harley Davidson buckle with bikey familiar

[From CB1]Tequito May 26 2005 10:17 AM EDT

I don't wear pants... and I don't want my minions to either! :p

maulaxe May 26 2005 10:22 AM EDT

pants are for clothed people...

/waves-hand "these aren't the pants you're looking for"

Sukotto [lookingglas] May 26 2005 1:30 PM EDT

Mac Hall #281 covers this topic wonderfully.

Although the image is pg (imo), the rest of the site contains non-pg language. I'm not going to risk getting fined so you'll just have to go search for it (I think it's a great comic that eloquently expresses the situation of being pantless.)
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