creep me out contest (in Contests)

maulaxe May 25 2005 9:11 PM EDT

i want to find out what the internet knows about me.
google me or use other means to find out the thing that will surprise me the most (to realize that it can be found out!).
Email me with what you think will win, put cb contest (or something similar) in the subject line so i don't confuse it with spam. if you want to enter more than one thing, please try to keep it in one email, that makes things easier.

for now i'll say two prizes of 50k, but i might increase the prize/give out more, smaller ones in addition if lots of you find out interesting things.
- if so i'll post.
also, contest will run for about 4 days.

also, keep in mind that this is very subjective - just because you find out my credit card number or something (i don't actually have a credit card) doesn't mean you'll win,rather the thing that i consider the least likely to be findable. cmon, scare me with what you can find out!
I guess that i'm hoping this contest will be a flop...but it's hard to tell what can be found out, if you have time and searching skills... basically something that makes me ask "how on earth did you find that out???" will probably win

I'll give out some hints to start:
initials SAS
current residence: Bellingham, Washington.
I went to high school in the afore-mentioned town.
I work for a software company there.
and I have a brother who has a xanga page. (you might be able to glean things from that)
possibly some more specific info later, but that should get you started.

ps: if you are stalking me, cut it out. thats just creepy.
pps:it might help your case if you email me somewhere else than the CB registered email ; )

maulaxe May 25 2005 9:37 PM EDT

another thing, what do you think about the contest idea?

Xiaz on Hiatus May 25 2005 9:40 PM EDT

I think it's been done before actually, iirc.

maulaxe May 25 2005 10:05 PM EDT

didn't know that... how'd it work?

maulaxe May 27 2005 2:56 PM EDT

so far no entries.

CM me for more hints if you are interested.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] May 27 2005 7:00 PM EDT

/me is too busy stealing your identity to officially enter. Sorry.

maulaxe May 27 2005 8:33 PM EDT

well i guess finding out that i now hav various credit cards with big, red numbers would creep me out...

maulaxe May 28 2005 4:54 PM EDT

so far only one person has me...

i'll end the contest sometime tomorrow.

Achertontus [Sneezels] May 29 2005 4:32 PM EDT

I found not that much about you, but about your brother...
His name is Geofrey Sanders and lives alos in Bellingham, W.A., 4062 Consolidation Ave. thats about it...
You're hard to find bro.

maulaxe May 29 2005 4:35 PM EDT

like i said before, I guess thats a good thing.

you were the only person who responded, so sending prize money now.


Achertontus [Sneezels] May 29 2005 5:09 PM EDT

Thanks maulaxe, it was hard, but i did found something... :)
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