deep philosophical question (in Off-topic)

maulaxe May 25 2005 4:39 PM EDT

if the world were made of chocolate, ...would you eat it?

I'll wait before posting mine, when first asked my response was kinda lame anyways)

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] May 25 2005 4:49 PM EDT

well...i wouldnt eat the whole thing ; )

Nixon Jibfest May 25 2005 4:49 PM EDT

I'd eat the love handles.

Relic May 25 2005 6:09 PM EDT

No, because all the women in the world would have already polished it off before I even got a chance. =)

Undertow May 25 2005 6:21 PM EDT

Yes, but I would die.

Diabetic yo.

And you don't even want to think about what would happen if that chocolate were sugar free. Sugar Alchahol is good, but only in moderation, lest you become explosive.

maulaxe May 25 2005 6:28 PM EDT

the first time i was asked this, i thought for about a minute and then observed that that situation would definitely bear a strong resemblance to a vacuum cleaner - my reasoning was that I would only last about a week before i died somehow.
-imagine trying to sleep, you would melt into the ground! it might be comfy at first, but the whole drowning thing would not be fun.
-food poisoning, you might enjoy chocolate for a while, but you just can't last very long.

you get the picture. i obviously took it WAAAY too seriously... kinda shows how messed up I am. (scary!)

nowadays however, I have come to the conclusion that it would be a very good thing if the world were made of chocolate. I could die extremely happy!

IndependenZ May 25 2005 6:38 PM EDT

I think I would ... but not on my own, I'll make sure everybody gets a piece.

Well, except Michael Jackson, I don't like him. Same goes for Steven Seagal and Patrick Swayze. Oh, and George W. Bush too. And some boy-bands. And I have something against the creators of Barbie too, so they won't get anything either.

Ah well, on the other hand, I'd just keep it for myself and my family and friends. Still is quite noble, right? ;)

Kilobot571 May 25 2005 7:20 PM EDT

i buy barbies so that i can shave off sparklers and light them on fire. It's fun watching them melt.

Nixon Jibfest May 25 2005 7:29 PM EDT

Wasn't there an episode where homer's head is turned into a donut and he eats it?

Chocolate Thunder May 25 2005 7:31 PM EDT

Well is it good and fresh chocolate? Or is it Hershey's chocolate?

If its the former, I agree with Glory. If its the latter, i'd let it be.

maulaxe May 25 2005 7:35 PM EDT

i know that there was one where homer sold his soul for a donut, and then he tried to trick the devil (aka flanders, i loved that!) by eating it all except for one last bite... the deal was that when he finished the donut the devil got his soul

don't know if thats the one youre thinking about

theres also one where he daydreams about the world being chocolate... funny stuff. (my fav. from that was him running up to a little dog and taking a bite out of it, it then squirms and limps away)

Sukotto [lookingglas] May 25 2005 9:58 PM EDT

What kind of chocolate?

maulaxe May 25 2005 10:03 PM EDT

any kind you like. and, come to think of it, any kind you don't like. (and before you say there is no chocolate you don't like, how much baking chocolate can you stomach?)

InebriatedArsonist May 25 2005 11:07 PM EDT

This would depend upon a few factors:

A) But what kind of chocolate is it?

-Are we talking about mass produced candy of marginal flavor, such as the stuff produced by Hershey (my fascination with M&Ms not withstanding) or the better quality chocolate?

B) Is the Earth a solid hunk, or really just a large butter cream?

-What's inside the earth counts, too. Just as the earth has a liquid core, shouldn't we expect a chocolate earth to have some sort of filling in the middle? If the core is made of nougat, we'll be quite safe, as nobody likes nougat. If it's one of those more edible fillings, well, we'll all be looking for a place to stand soon.

C) What kind of drinks are laying around?

-You'll need a good supply of liquids if you're going to eat a lot of chocolate. Dry-mouth can be a killer.

sssimmo May 26 2005 3:02 AM EDT

"i know that there was one where homer sold his soul for a donut, and then he tried to trick the devil (aka flanders, i loved that!) by eating it all except for one last bite... the deal was that when he finished the donut the devil got his soul"

That part is true but the episode goes on to show that Homer gave his soul to Marge way before he sold it to the devil. So Flanders cracks it and turns Homer's head into a donut.

Obviously I am not a fan of the Simpsons.

-sssimmo (#1 Simpsons fan)

BooDiggens May 26 2005 3:19 AM EDT

"Who can take a sunrise
Sprinkle it in dew
Cover it in chocolate
and a miracle or two?

The candyman
The candyman can
The candyman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good"

Well, as long as it's mixed with love, then I say bon apetit!

sssimmo May 26 2005 3:36 AM EDT

Sign says
"Stay away fools"
Cause love rules
At the Love shack!

QBJohnnywas May 26 2005 3:36 AM EDT

what happens if you haven't got a sweet tooth? Do you starve?

InebriatedArsonist May 26 2005 3:47 AM EDT

Johnnywas: what happens if you haven't got a sweet tooth? Do you starve?

-Well, natural selection has to kick in somewhere. At least you'll be first in something, Johnny.

QBJohnnywas May 26 2005 3:50 AM EDT

Lol IA lol. Course I could eat my fellow Cbers - Cannibal Blender - but I'm not sure there's any nutritional value in any of you lot either! =)

maulaxe May 26 2005 4:10 AM EDT

"I'm not sure there's any nutritional value in any of you lot either!"
specially not after we've gorged on chocolate ; )

thanks, i guess i didn't remember the whole episode - selective memory i guess. still funny though. ...maybe i should invest in a complete few seasons DVD of the simpsons.

"But what kind of chocolate is it?"
since the world would be made of chocolate, it's probably safe to assume that there will be every single kind of chocolate at least SOMEWHERE.
"Is the Earth a solid hunk, or really just a large butter cream?"
probably both. its solid until you dig waaaay down. but by then your hole might have melted in on you - wouldn't recommend trying that.
"What kind of drinks are laying around?"
i'd assume there might be chocolate milk around. maybe some hot chocolate around hot springs?

this is always a great conversation starter, i love it. sometimes discussions like these come up, other times people just take the question at face value and answer a simple yes/no.

Relic May 26 2005 9:48 AM EDT

Here is another interesting question I have pondered at times....

If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman around to hear he still wrong? =)

maulaxe May 26 2005 9:57 AM EDT

it probably depends on whether she has had any chocolate lately :D

QBJohnnywas May 26 2005 9:58 AM EDT

No it doesn't. We're always wrong. Always. =)

maulaxe May 26 2005 10:42 AM EDT

chocolate seems to work, at least for one chew/swallow cycle. but to extend the analogy to CB, the BA x cycle is too much - it's not worth it to upgrade. the average-price/NW is a negative number. most are not worth the effort.
/ducks and runs from the female CB community

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] May 26 2005 10:43 AM EDT

Rest assured, we aren't chasing you. :P

maulaxe May 26 2005 10:47 AM EDT

he started it! it wasn't me!

just in case, here. have some chocolate.
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