2x Ex or 2x Ax... :P (in General)

Will [Retired] May 25 2005 3:38 PM EDT

Im just going to throw this out there and maybe someone can help me...

On The Trinity I already have an axbow and exbow, but I have 3 minions so Im considering getting another to replace the hxbow on the 3rd minion. What would be better, two axbows or two exbows?
Whichever it is, the single bow will have to be beefed up a bit to compete... hmmm

Thanks to anyone in advance for their advice :D

QBJohnnywas May 25 2005 3:48 PM EDT

Most of the ToA tanks out there have high dex so hit em with another axbow to lower it even further. Maybe get another minion and put a large EC there as well?

AdminShade May 25 2005 4:06 PM EDT

i'd choose axbow, since your exbow should already lower the damage other tanks deal with a great deal :)

Quark May 25 2005 4:26 PM EDT

Why not go exbow? If you go against multi-tank teams, it doesn't do as much good to lower the dex on a strength reduced tank than lower the strength on the next best tank / archer (assumes the best tank also has the best dex). And if you can hit the ToA tank again, you drop their strength to make them near useless. I see that with my exbow if he ever survives to the third round - targets the next strongest tank and makes two weak melee tanks.

maulaxe May 25 2005 4:30 PM EDT

it might even be better to chose one type and go all three. if you try and cover everything at once, you spread yourself too thin. but probably 3 would be overkill and thus not as useful... dunno, depends on who you want on your fight list

Butters Almighty May 25 2005 5:31 PM EDT

i think this decision has a lot to do with the DX/HP ratio, if u have a large amount of HP and less DX, then there wouldnt be a lot of use using an exbow, not much use reducing the damage done when it is already very hard to kill u, using an axbow in that case would lower the amount of rounds and increase your chances of hitting the other minion, and with the lower amount of rounds your minion would not be in danger of dieing
in other terms, with a large amount of DX compared to HP it would be more useful to use an exbow, not much use reducing DX further if u r already getting a lot of double hits, evasion or an exbow would help u reduce the damage u r taking from the + on ppl's weapons in that case

Jason Bourne May 25 2005 5:52 PM EDT

id go exbow, as with toa's now, they already have an extra % chance to hit, so knocking off their dex, is not going to be as effective as making them hit you over and over agian for no damage :D

Will [Retired] May 25 2005 7:57 PM EDT

Thanks for the advice guys, Im leaning towards using 2 axbows atm. If you can't hit initially its not worth bothering :D

Im probably going to settle on two smaller axbows, one with +50 (the other less) and the single exbow powered to x40 or something useful.

Keep it coming if theres something you missed! :)

Jason Bourne May 25 2005 11:00 PM EDT

even with my dex at 0 will, my toa still gives my a chance to hit. if you add that to a reasonably upgraded + to hit on a weapon, subtracting dex just means you wont get triple hits on you. id rather take triples for much less, then have one huge hit on my armorless "tanks".

besides...i have an exbow in auctions going for cheap...u could buy it :P

TheEverblacksky May 26 2005 6:22 PM EDT

i would go axbow..... more triple hits = more damage.... i mean the strength difference needs 4x less strength to make it work well so ya know
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