character graphs suggestion (in General)

maulaxe May 25 2005 2:34 PM EDT

since PR now can jump all over the place in a short period of time, should we have an option to graph MPR?

...and maybe to make the server time less demanding, have clicky boxes to show each different stat's graph i.e. when you click on "view history graph" it goes to a blank graph, then you check the boxes for the stats you want to see. that way you wouldn't waste time computing the un-needed stats.

gotta love clicky boxes.

Will [Retired] May 25 2005 2:40 PM EDT

Also, minor bug:

When clicking on the Top 5: score, the graph's key shows everyone's 'PR' not score. Definitely one for the sticklers out there :)

AdminJonathan May 25 2005 2:44 PM EDT

it's the score of the top 5 sorted by PR

maybe it's time for a "things you think are bugs but aren't" faq, you're like the 10th person to post that

Will [Retired] May 25 2005 2:48 PM EDT

good idea, but isn't the graph actually showing score? Therefore the key should be...

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] May 25 2005 5:30 PM EDT

No, the graph starts out showing _PR_. You have to tell it to show the score. It only the _PR_ of the top _scoring_ chars.
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