Yet another perhaps silly suggestion (in General)

Gender Bender May 25 2005 1:22 AM EDT

I think it would be really cool (not all that useful) to have some sort of an item history, meaning you can search the history of your ELS and see who it belonged to before you and the guy before him and so on.... it would also include the NW everytime it would be passed along so you can see how much money each person put into it.

*Prepares to shield himself from the hurling of rotten tomatoes and oranges!*

[Banned]Monty May 25 2005 1:24 AM EDT

haha! /me throws an apple :)

its not a bad idea :) I kinda like it.

LumpBot May 25 2005 1:32 AM EDT

I'm not very computer savvy but wouldn't this put a lot more stress on the ram? I mean, it just seems like a ton of more work for CB to remember all these little things.
Also you could probally just trace it around using transfer logs =P
That probally came off a bit pessimistic.

Tenchi Muyo May 25 2005 2:08 AM EDT

You're pretty much right. The idea of having each item contain a history of each person it belonged to would probably take up a very large amount of hard drive space for a feature that has no useful purpose.

maulaxe May 25 2005 2:21 PM EDT

all items do have a specific number, don't they? there is a stat for oldest weapon/armor...

can you search for item histories with that?

AdminJonathan May 25 2005 2:45 PM EDT

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