one-handed weapon thought (in General)

strongbad May 24 2005 9:02 PM EDT

Why is it that you can't equip two one-handed weapons at the same time? Wouldn't that be neat if you could equip two ELS or even BoTHs?

Nixon Jibfest May 24 2005 9:03 PM EDT


InebriatedArsonist May 24 2005 9:03 PM EDT

Q: Since CB already distinguishes between one-handed and two-handed weapons, why not allow equipping two one-handed weapons?

A: Because two good 1HW like an ELS or maybe even two claymores would be massively overpowered. Getting even one extra attack would be way more benefit than using a shield or a 2HW, so a lot of gameplay choice would be lost (because one option is far more powerful than the others).

strongbad May 24 2005 9:05 PM EDT

I know that's there, but was wondering if perhaps there would be discussion/thought into that idea. Like for example the other one-handed taking the spot of a ranged weapon, or something else that might be affected by having two swords.

Jason Bourne May 24 2005 10:37 PM EDT

Wouldn't that be neat if you could equip two ELS or even BoTHs?

- shouldnt this answer your own question? thats like saying, if you set the bow up correctly, u can use it with one why not let ranger use two elven long bows?

18 hits in ranged for 200+k apiece...u gotta be kidding me...

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] May 25 2005 12:19 AM EDT

A: Because two good 1HW like an ELS or maybe even two claymores would be massively overpowered. Getting even one extra attack would be way more benefit than using a shield or a 2HW, so a lot of gameplay choice would be lost (because one option is far more powerful than the others).

i think that needs to be changed to "Katana"

LumpBot May 25 2005 1:16 AM EDT

I'm just wondering why so many people have been challenging FORS lately. Many posts trying to "over-throw" all ready mentioned and declined ideas =P

Undertow May 25 2005 2:50 AM EDT

I think that even two claymores would be too powerful... unless they're two handed now, I can't remember.

Manta May 25 2005 3:51 AM EDT

IMO, two one-handed waeapon and NO ranged would not be overpowered, with respect to, say, and elbow and a 2-handed weapon.

bartjan May 25 2005 3:55 AM EDT

Manta: nope. For the simple fact that there are only 3 ranged rounds, and up to 25 melee rounds.

Undertow May 25 2005 3:57 AM EDT

22 melee rounds. 25 total - 3.

bartjan May 25 2005 4:02 AM EDT

25 melee rounds. If neither side uses ranged.

Manta May 25 2005 8:31 AM EDT

I realize now that my judgment was biased: my fights usually last 6 rounds or less...

Will [Retired] May 25 2005 8:41 AM EDT

The 1 handed - 2 handed system right now is very well balanced. If this were implemented then 2 handed weapons would have to have a huge boost to damage done, and 1 handed weapons would become obsolete.

The question wouldn't be; do I go for 1 handed with no dexterity penalty or 2 handed and do more damage?, It would be do I go 2 handed and do less damage than 2x 1 handed weapons? The situation and goals wouldn't change, just the way that you do them. Adding this to the game would have about the same effect as renaming 'cloaks' to 'jackets', it would make absolutely no difference but mean more coding to implement and something new for us all to get adjusted to.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 25 2005 8:44 AM EDT

With the recent system changes, some of the FORS list isn't really up to date anymore.

Dual wielding might be workable now. Something like;

Give equipping two 1 handed weapons a massive (-50, -100) pth for all melee attacks. Not only would this cut out too many extra hits, but if the weapons weren't upgraded enough, the minus pth will cut into the Tanks dexterity.

Or even only allow 1 dexterity based hit per weapon, instead of the two normally allowed with a single weapon.

Give it an even more hideous pth/dex penalty and introduce an Ambidextrous/2 weapon style skill able to reduce this.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] May 25 2005 8:56 AM EDT

Also the comment about NW is now obsolete in the FORS, having 2 large 1-handed weapons would considerably bump up your pr making them very difficult to be used effectively anyway.
So on one side there may be no point due to be near useless, on the other hand it may be worth implementing sometime due to an extra strategy choice to use and counter.
I no longer see anything wrong with the 2x1HW option although GL I agree with the allowing only 1xDex based hit but would say that the pth should not be reduced although have the huge 13% dex loss if use a shield same as using a 2HW also.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 25 2005 9:39 AM EDT

Forgot about shields. I'd not allow a non power shield to be equipped when using 2 1 handed weapons.

moser May 25 2005 9:44 AM EDT

And you should be able to stuff your HoD with leather caps for multiple levels of damage absorption.

Maelstrom May 25 2005 9:46 AM EDT

moser, you're a genius!

sssimmo May 25 2005 9:47 AM EDT

Ha! I like it. And a racing stripe cos i think it would look pretty sharp!

sssimmo May 25 2005 9:48 AM EDT

Next we'll be asking for vibration absorbers on our swords.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 25 2005 9:55 AM EDT

Or wearing leather under your Chain/Plate.

That is of course unless the Helm/Suit of Chain/Plate doesn't already come with a leather or padded lining.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 25 2005 9:56 AM EDT

Well, racing stripes and vibration absorbers could be easily added with item naming! ;)

maulaxe May 25 2005 2:18 PM EDT

pimp my equipment!
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